Need help in finding the college for me

<p>Firs let me tell you about myself. I am a current senior, but I have decided to take a year off before college because I had no idea of what college I want to go to or what I wanted to study. I am planning to do some traveling and volunteering during my gap year. I am looking maybe for an urban-ish area, medium size classes, maybe in the west coast (but open to other areas), and good financial aid (family can not contribute much). What colleges do you recommend? Which ones do you think will be a good fit? Also, I was considering going into computer engineering (love technology and computers), but I do not have a strong math/science background, do you think its a good idea? Thanks for your help :) </p>

<p>SAT: 1610 (It is low, but I'll be retaking it)
SAT II: Biology E - 560, USH- 620
Unweighted GPA: 3.4/4.0
Weighted GPA: 6.2
Rank: School doesn't rank, but about 5%, 552 out 11918 in the county
Class size: About 300
School type: public school, IB World School, opened in 2009</p>

<p>Course Load:
9th Grade:
Pre-IB American Government
Pre-IB World History
Pre-IB Algebra II
Pre-IB French I
Pre-IB Inquiry Skills
Pre-IB Biology I
Pre-IB English I</p>

<p>10th Grade
AP European History
Pre-IB Geometry
Pre-IB Trigonometry
Pre-IB French II
Pre-IB Chemistry
Honors Physics
Pre-IB English II
AP Human Geography
Band I</p>

<p>11th Grade
IB Math Analysis
IB English III / AP English Language and Composition
IB Psychology I
AP United History
IB French IV
IB French
IB Biology II
Band II
Spanish I</p>

<p>12th Grade (classes labeled as IB/AP are classes that the county makes us sit for the AP exam without learning the AP curriculum)
IB Statistics and Introductory Differential Calculus
IB English IV / AP English Literature
IB Psychology II / AP Psychology
IB History of the Americas
IB French V / AP French Language
IB Biology III / AP Biology
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP Statistics
Band IV</p>

-Marching/Concert Band (Historian)
-IB Honor Council (charter member) </p>

<p>Community Service: (Will be volunteering abroad during gap year)
-Tutoring at local elementary school </p>

Gender: Male
State: FL
Ethnicity- Hispanic (Mexican- Dual Citizenship)
Income: Less than 25K
First Generation</p>