<p>im a first-year CC student right now. im socio major and now im considering change to econ/biz-econ major.I wanna know if i can apply to multiple majors when i transfer. Both socio and econ dont have a lot major requirement courses, and some are the same. So i think i can finish both major req. and igetc within 60 units. If one gets reject, do i have another chance to get accept by the other major?? or one campus i can only apply to one major??(seriously, i wanna know)</p>
<p>The reason i change my major to econ coz now im taking socio ITV course which is telecourse, 6 meetings per semester, only 3 tests and im already fail the first test.i find thats too hard for me to push up my grade, i may get a C or below. so i gonna drop it with a W. I think a W in major req. still has a little affects on the admission. (even though i saw some posts said UC doesnt care 1-2 W's) I will take the regular class next semester with an easy A teacher. If i stick on socio major, will that W reli reli effect the chance getting accept?? BTW I wanna transfer to UC. especially ucla, but uci, ucd, ucsd are also in my consideration. </p>
<p>Also, the reason i change major coz i dont know what am i going to do after undergrad in socio major? i dont wanna go to grad school if i can find a job. Can anyone tell me what jobs do a socio undergrad usually do? and also for econ major??</p>
<p>Last, i see the socio and econ major have low admit rate in UCLA. both gpa admitted are around 3.6-3.82. I dont know this semester my gpa yet. But if by the time im ready to transfer and have around 3.6 gpa, which UC is easily accept me?? and which major is easier to transfer?? im gonna enroll in TAP and i will sign TAG.</p>
<p>i know is long and complicated, but i wanna get ready to transfer earlier, and choose my classes carefully. im very appreciated your answers. Thx a lot :)</p>
<p>If meet all the requirements for TAP, you will be considered for your alternative major. Otherwise, you won’t (this is specifically for UCLA). For the most part, W’s won’t affect your chances as long as you retake for a good grade (A or B). M friend failed intro biology, retook it and got an A. Right know he is majoring in molecular cell biology at Cal. </p>
<p>Google job prospects for each respective major. Look at career websites for each UC, they will give you a glimpse of job prospects. </p>
<p>If you TAG, you’re guaranteed admission as long as you’ve completed the requirements. If you complete TAP, you have a very very good shot a UCLA.</p>
<p>I’m sorry for being rude, but perhaps you should consider improving your grammar and spelling before you consider applying to any kind of 4 year institution.</p>
<p>If you are failing a sociology TELECOURSE, what makes you think you would do any better in business economics?</p>
<p>Re JuneBug86, edmfanatiq, and samsizzle :This is just a thread in a discussion borad on Internet. I know I didn’t use formal English writing because I thought you guys would understand what I meant. Maybe I was wrong. I was not writing an essay here, so why you expected me to write formally?? I can tell you, YES, I am not a native English speaker. So? I don’t think a native English speaker is better than an immigrant. </p>
<p>JuneBug86, I want to tell you, I don’t think you have never failed one of your classes. I was saying that I failed one test but not the class. I just deceided to drop it. Let me correct you, Sociology is not a major course for Business Economics. I don’t think there are any reasons that I failed my Sociology test and I won’t do better in Business Economics. This is ONLY my FIRST semester in college. By the way, I saw one of your threads said that you had 23 W’s. Is that right? If you had all good grades in your classes, why did you drop so many times and have so much W’s? And you are major in History. What makes a person like you with 23 W’s and uses 4-year to transfer thinks you would do well in History?</p>
<p>Haha. I was just joking around. I didn’t mean to offend you and sorry if I did. </p>
<p>Plus, I like Asian girls. The thing about Asian girls is that 90% of them aren’t good looking, 5% are good looking and the remaining 5% are fiesty hot.</p>
<p>Anyway, like someone said before: W’s won’t hurt your application if you redo it and get a high grade in the class. As for TAP for UCLA, make sure that you qualify for it and take the necessary honors classes. I had a W on my transcript, I retook the class for an A. I got into Cal so I guess they didn’t mind. </p>
<p>You’ve also only been in college for less than half a semester, changing your major is fine. Be sure to take the pertinent prerequisites and complete IGETC before the summer you plan to transfer. But now, before you sign up for classes for next term, you need to pick a major and plan your schedule out accordingly. This is very important because you don’t have the luxury that 4- university students do. They can wait until the end of their junior year to declare a major, you have to figure out what your major will be, plan out courses (from assist), and apply to that major next year.</p>
<p>pjinhj, I wasn’t criticizing that fact that you are not a native english speaker. It was just the terrible text speak that you were using which is not proper to use on a message board. In your reply you actually sound like a different person when you typed normally. When a person uses text speak on a message board, it completely alters their entire message and it’s hard to take anything they say seriously. </p>
<p>And since you are interested enough to search me on here (i’m flattered, thank you), yes I did recieve 23 W’s. This is mostly due to the fact that I attended a horrible homeschooling program which did not prepare me at all for any higher education. The W’s were mostly in math and science courses, which I will admit I completely suck at. Luckily, time is not an issue for me and i’m not ashamed that I have taken 4 years to reach a 4 year university. Better late than never, right?</p>
<p>Just a tidbit I wish I had known: Undergraduate admissions to public schools rarely look at W’s. Grad schools do however. So if you have any prospects of going to grad school, I would recommend working your butt off now to pass the class rather than recieving a W. </p>