Need help! Need suggestions!


<p>I am from NYC. I graduated from high school in 2011. At that time, I was admitted to Poly tech institute of New York University as a GS(General Studies) student. I drop out of this University after the fall semester of 2011. My gpa was around 1.56.
I was admitted to NYIT in the spring as a transfer student. I did not do well for the next few semester till this year. I have failed my calculus twice and English 2 twice. I managed to passed both of them. My current gpa is 2.46. </p>

<p>As of right now, I am trying to apply to CUNY as a transfer student with 2.46 gpa.
My plan is to withdraw from NYIT, and hopefully I will get admitted to any of the CUNY's in the Spring of 2014. I really want to start over.</p>

<p>classes had already began. I am not sure if I shall continue to take courses this fall. </p>

<p>Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you for reading my boring story!</p>