<p>i just took my first SAT practice test and scored lower than i had hoped. it was one of the princeton review tests that scale in ranges so i got 760-800 W, 720-760 CR, and 670-710 M. i don't take the real sats until january, but i was wondering if it will be possible to significantly raise my score (esp the math) by that time? is there a limit on how much a person can usually raise their score? i was wondering if anyone could share some advice or personal anecdotes. thanks in advance!</p>
<p>Um I can give you bunch of explanations for SAT Prep but the thing is.. use search button. That'll be your best shot.</p>
<p>And yeah, you can improve to 800 on math. That's not a big deal once you get hang of it.</p>
<p>Take a look at the sticked thread on the "Xiggi method" (or at least the first couple pages of it)</p>
<p>That's a pretty good start, so don't sweat it. Just keep practicing.</p>
<p>Keep practicing, and you'll improve. Those are really great scores for just taking one practice test . . . are you aiming for 2400? if you are maybe you should get one of those barron's or kaplan's 2400 books.</p>
<p>it's definitely possible to raise your score by a lot of points.
check out the aforementioned xiggi method, and work hard by doing lots of practice tests. you've definitely got the potential.</p>
<p>yeah, your scores are really good for the first practice. it should be really easy to improve just by practicing.</p>
<p>Good job on your first try!</p>
<p>Ya I agree with Deafening- 2150-2270 is a great score to have as a first try.</p>