Need help on deciding for this summer

<p>This summer I have a few options, and I could really use your help
I have been thinking about being a bullpen catcher for a cape cod league team, which i think would be a very cool experience, one that not many kids applying to schools can say theyve had and would also additionally help me to improve in baseball
I have also been looking at working at a summer camp. This summer I CIT'd there and had a ball, but I would feel guilty spending all summer there and diong very little to further my chances of going to a great college. However, I think in terms of pure enjoyment its the highest on my list.
My third option is an academic program in the historical field of study. I spent some time at William and Mary at a program there this summer, and enjoyed it as well.</p>

<p>I worked at a camp during the summer after my junior year, and have not regretted it for a second. It was probably the best two months of my life and i plan to go back throughout college and hopefully more. If thats what you want to do, do it.
The same goes for the baseball thing, if you love baseball go do that, but don't do it to get into college. Just don't get caught up in thinking that everything you do needs to be with the intention of bolstering your academic success. Live your life how you want.</p>

<p>Do what you want to do. All of these options are worthwhile and all will look good on an application. Do whatever will help you become more of the person you want to be. That is the primary importance.</p>

<p>my parents keep telling me the camp is not an option because going this summer would be “like eating cake for breakfast” they think it will have no beneficial effcts at all in the future, but its what i want to do most, what should i do?</p>

<p>That issue, I’m afraid, is between you and your parents.</p>

<p>Remind them that not everything you do needs to be devoted to getting into college (although this forum as a whole seems to disagree, it’s true), and even so, colleges will like to see you pursuing your interests rather than just trying to pad your resume.</p>