<p>Im writing this because I got disqualified from receiving financial aid. While, I knew the first year of school would be challenging, I still wasn't ready for the courses that I chose. I have always wanted to go to college and get my degree to reach my educational goal.</p>
<pre><code>In fall 2009 I chose many difficult courses, and I didnt put much effort into it but I just keep sustaining what I do so I can pass that class. But when midterm was around I tried to do well on midterms but I didnt do so well and I thought withdrawing it would be the best solution. After getting below 2.0 gpa I started to think what is going on with me with academics. My parents always expect me to do well in school and that motivates me to do well in school. I just dont try hard and put enough time on school work enough to reach that goal. My parents dont really support me so I rely on my financial aid and I knew I had to make a change to regain it back.
I started to make plans for next semester so I can get back on track to be a successful student and to regain my financial aid eligibility back.
<li>I will balance the course choices better.</li>
<li>I will manage my time wisely and put more time on school work.</li>
<li>I will get help when I dont understand the materials in class.
4 Find tutoring if things get complicated.</li>
<li><p>Complete classes C or better.</p>
<p>I understand the expectation better now and I am looking forward to pass all my classes this spring. I been doing well lately in my spring classes, with all passing grades and I think I made a huge improvement and my mindset is to pass the classes at the end of the semester. I am satisfied with what I done so far but to fulfill my education plan I request this committee to give me another chance to prove that I can still accomplish my goals and be successful on upcoming semesters. </p></li>
<p>Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to explain my financial circumstances. I look forward to hearing about your decision.</p>