<p>Hi, I’m traveling around europe right now. Brandeis has aparrently sent some mail to my house regarding the next steps of attending Brandeis. I’d ask my mom, but she’s in california. I’ll be back in time to do most of it, but I want to sign up for housing now, if possible. (so i don’t get something really bad.) Can anyone who’s transferring in tell me what the form said? or anyone who goes there tell me how to do housing if it’s the same? Is it on Saje? </p>
<p>Any help would be deeply appreciated.</p>
<p>Just go to this website and fill out the form
[Transfer</a> Student Application | Department of Community Living | Brandeis University](<a href=“http://www.brandeis.edu/studentaffairs/dcl/forms/transferapplication.html]Transfer”>http://www.brandeis.edu/studentaffairs/dcl/forms/transferapplication.html)</p>
<p>Is that it? I already did that. My mom said they sent over a bunch of forms to be filled out and one of them said I had to do more housing stuff online (along with some class signing up stuff). Like the form after this one you linked was an actual “housing appointment” versus the basic request. Some were physical forms, but she said these 2 had links… She then assumed I wouldn’t have internet 'til I got back and left the forms at home. I was just worried I’d get shafted on selection, but if no other transfers are selecting or that form doesn’t exist, then I guess it’s fine…</p>