<p>So currently my GPA unweighted is a 3.81 and I am not proud of it but here are my classes
Middle School</p>
<p>French 1A/1B - A
French 2 - A</p>
<p>Those count as HS credits so two total</p>
<p>Freshman Year (2008-2009)
1st Semester
Honors Frosh Comp - B - It was his first time teaching a non AP class and his first Freshman class
P.E - A
Honors Algebra/Geometry 2- A
Chemistry - A
Todays Biology - A
Foundations World History - B
French 3 - A</p>
<p>Second Semester
Honors Frosh Comp - B
Basic Guitar - A
PE - A
Honors Algebra/Geometry 2- A
Chemistry - A
Todays Biology - A
French 3 - A</p>
<p>Sophomore Year (2009-2010)
1st Semester
Honors Sophomore Composition - B
Health - A
Racquet Sports - A
Honors Algebra/Pre-calc 4 - A
AP Biology - A
AP World History -A
French 4/AP 5 - A (No AP credit for me)</p>
<p>Second Semester - I obviously don't know yet haha</p>
<p>Junior Year (Planning)
AP Language or American Lit
AP Calc AB/BC (Block Period)
AP Us History or US History
AP Physics or Physics or AP Chem
Intro Graphic Arts
Advanced Graphic Arts
Ap Psychology </p>
<p>I really have no idea what classes to take next year and I'm looking to go to a UC school hopefully but I think my chances are pretty low but I need some recommendations like which science class should I take, what history class. PLEASE HELP! </p>
<p>Since you’re excelling in AP Bio, you might as well take AP Physics and Calc. Is it physics B or C?
There are two ways you could look at AP English and History. AP Language is traditionally paired with APUSH as it is often taught like another history class. Lit is statistically easier to get a 5 on. Despite it’s bad rep, I’d recommend taking APUSH to anyone. Even if it proves to be the bane of your existence, it’ll make for some interesting horror stories.
AP Psych is supposed to be a joke. I am self studying for the exam.</p>
<p>my plan was to take the AP classes that are “easier” than the others my junior year so it’ll look good on my transcipt for colleges but take the harder AP classes my senior year so they won’t see the grade but they’ll see the classes I took cause I don’t want to overwhelm myself with a bunch of AP classes because I’ll admit that I’m not like SUPER smart. </p>
<p>AP Psych sounds really interesting haha</p>
<p>The colleges I want to go to are</p>
University of Washington
UC Berkeley
John Hopkins
UC Davis
UC Irvine</p>
<p>I know most of them are like way beyond my reach but still ahha</p>
<p>Your chances are not “pretty low” for a UC if you have a 3.81 GPA. </p>
<p>Take the classes you’re good at. Seems like you’re a math person so I’d go for Calc AB or BC and AP Physics or AP Chem. I’d opt for American Lit as opposed to AP Language, and if you want another AP to fill your schedule, take Psychology. According to everyone I know who took it, it’s rather easy.</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m taking this block period we have for AP Calc AB and BC and im just having trouble deciding which AP science I should take and if I should take APUSH or not. I think I’m going to take AP Lang maybe just regular. i dont want to like kill myself doing all this haha.</p>