Need help please - Texas A and M - No Financial Aid


My son got early admission in Texas A and M college of engineering. Even with excellent merit, out-of-state status and outstanding extra curricular activities, he was not offered any financial aid package.
In talking with A and M, we discovered that my son had selected “Financial Aid - Not Needed” by mistake on his Coalition App. This was one of the earlier apps that my son had filled up and it was an honest mistake.

We have approached A and M Scholarship on this topic multiple times, they agree that with his merit and out of state status, he would have been typically offered a financial aid package. But they say that they cannot change this anymore.

We are bummed with this outcome. Financial Aid packages offered along with the decision would play a major role in our decision making.

Has anyone run in to this situation before? How did they handle it? What was the outcome?

We need suggestions on what to do here. We really want to pursue this and get this mistake corrected somehow

(We are well aware of Loans, private scholarships and other resources, so please do not make those suggestions on this thread)

Please help.

TAMU doesn’t give much merit to OOS students. Heck, they rarely give it to their in-state students. So they specifically said it was because he checked “no financial aid?”

As hard as it will be, I suggest you leave A and M behind, because the chances of the FA office changing their mind, after they have told you"no", are virtually nil.
Instead, have your son check ALL his other applications to ensure that he DID ask for FA.
Sorry this happened to him , but hopefully it will be an important lesson that he will remember- double check everything going forward.

Most public schools don’t really give FA to OOS students, that is why residents are taxed. I would doubt you would have got need based FA at TAMU as an OOS applicant, not sure why you were told otherwise. Most OOS admits don’t attend because they don’t get any merit money. Need doesn’t stack with merit money at most schools so take note with other schools on your list.
Did you talk to an adult in FA? You say multiple times you have been told he would have received need based $$?
He had a Brockman interview? What merit award did he get?

@Sybylla Exactly. I highly doubt not checking a box is the reason he didn’t get merit or need based aid. TAMU doesn’t meet need for it’s own IN state residents. And they are very well known for not giving much merit even for high scoring high stat kids (those outside NMF and Brockman, etc.). What were his test scores and GPA?

If you’ve been told multiple times he won’t get merit or need based aid, I think the door is closed. Time to move on. What are his other affordable alternatives?

It is very likely that awards have all been distributed at this point. Costly mistake but I agree that it’s time to move on and focus on the other schools on the list. TAMU, while a great school, is not the only place to get a wonderful engineering education.

TAMU does not have enough funds to meet full need for all of their students that qualify. As mentioned, not even all instate students get full need met. So, not filling out forms correctly, not meeting certain deadlines, anything not exactly right puts you at the end of the line. That’s the case for a number of situations. Even honest mistakes have consequences when it comes to money. Even when the snafu isn’t even your fault, specifically is the school’s fault can mean no money for you. It’s not fair, but that’s the way it is sometimes.

I agree that your son moved in. If he wants to correct the situation, if he has not already, and send a letter to the Director of Financial Aid as a last ditch effort, go right on ahead and suggest he did so, but he should not be banking on a good outcome from it.