Need help! Switching majors!

I am in community college right now. I am taking statistics and I want to change my major to statistics from business.

But in doing so, it would cost an me an extra year longer due to not taking pre calc. I only took Algebra. I am in statistics right now but that isnt a requirement to transfer with mathematics. I need calc 1, calc 2, and calc 3, and one more. But statistics wouldn’t get me into calc 1. It would only get me into applied calc. but with buisness it says after taking statistics go either into applied calculus or Calc 1. So could I just go straight to calc 1 after stats and then declare my major as statistics? I was using

Yes, you need to take Calc 1. You might even be able to switch majors right away or even only when you transfer to a 4 year school. The most important thing is to take the prerequisite courses for the major you want. The AA degree you get is not even very important and it certainly won’t limit you with regards to what major you apply for.