Need help w/ AEM/ME/EE scheduling

<p>Old timers in AEM/ME/EE, please chime in:</p>

<p>For Fall 2013, S is able to take the following on the aero-eng’g track, according to the department flowchart. Please offer any advice on how doable this is all at once, and also if you have any experience with the online version of AEM 264 (Dynamics):</p>

<p>AEM 249 Algorithms (only offered Fall semester) - this course has an embedded lab associated with it (you don’t register separately for it, but the lab is additional 2 hours/week outside of class, for a total of 5 hours, but earning only 2 credit hours)
AEM 250 Mechanics of Materials (has an additional 2 hour/week lab associated with it, in addition to 251 lab!)
AEM 251 Mech of Mats Lab (3 hour lab/week)
AEM 264 Dynamics
AEM 311 Fluid Mechanics
EC 320 Electrical Eng’g </p>

<p>Normally, these would all be taken 2nd semester Soph year of aero (minus 249, which is taken 1st semester, but plus Applied Diff EQ, which S has already taken). So, since this is on the flowchart already, I’m guessing that it is indeed doable…but is this like the semester from hell for you people? Or tell me how difficult you guys found this particular semester. The 7 additional hours of lab per week is what is concerning me (and my S is nervous, too). The above is only 15 credit hours, but is 24 in-class hours, bum on seat.</p>

<p>Yep, welcome to engineering. </p>

<p>My son did take the online version of Dynamics, but because he often had questions about the material and wanted to make sure he was getting it, he went to the lectures and office hours. The professor was happy to have him there and did not exclude him from these sessions because he was registered as an online student. He has never opted for another online class when invited to do so.</p>

<p>ECE 320 is the class from hell. First test, most of the class failed, and a large number dropped the class. Because it is a required class, if you can live with not making the president’s list, go ahead and take it and get it over with. In fact, I recently talked with a Bama engineering alum who still remembers the class from 20 years ago as the hardest class he ever took. He survived and is a successful engineer today. Those who did drop the class are having to take it this semester. It’s not a class that you can take at another university, so you have to grin and bear it. I would not recommend putting it off until an easier semester to take because there is no easier semester at this point.</p>

<p>As for labs taking up a lot of time during the week, this is a common scenario in the life of a science major. Maybe your son AP’ed out of some freshman science classes so he didn’t have this situation in his freshman year, but when my son was a freshman, a lot of his one credit intro engineering classes were three hour labs. He was indeed, bum on seat, in class all those hours.</p>

<p>I’m sure your son will be fine. Good luck!</p>

<p>aeromom, every time you call someone an old-timer, I think of this</p>

<p>[DUDE</a> FOR FOOD: Chili’s Classic Oldtimer with Cheese](<a href=“]DUDE”>DUDE FOR FOOD: Chili's Classic Oldtimer with Cheese)</p>

<p>Yes, caution: do not click on that link late at night!</p>