Need help with ECs - may be missing the window

Encourage her to found a club

Thanks, great advice!

love this!! yeah, I think people have a skewed idea of what a lot of the top schools ā€œwant.ā€ I got into a T5 school this month with a laundry list of ā€œnormalā€ high schooler ecs (sports, music, student gov, volunteering clubs) and a regular-old retail job (which I discussed extensively in my common app)!

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Iā€™d be curious, you say nothing special ECs, list a bunch, but donā€™t really quantify any of them.

Weā€™re you in the band but mediocre and just there? Or did you accomplish things with music? Same with sports - were you just someone on the track roster with mediocre running times, or were you a captain or an all conference player on a team?

Weā€™re you just showing up for student gov, or were you an elected member with some responsibilities?

Iā€™m just curious, thank you.

Of course, if you had a 5.1 weighted gpa with 10 AP classes and a 1580 SAT, then those ECs could be quite a lot given the sports

I suspect that this userā€™s discussion about her/his job, along with the other supplements and teacher recommendations, probably served to show the college that he/she had the qualities the college was looking for. I guarantee the activities alone that he/she did were not what got them in. Itā€™s not WHAT they do. Itā€™s HOW they do all that they do, and the manner in which they demonstrate that to the college.


Exactly what I was implying with my follow up question.

Some schools already have a club for everything. I went to a high school with 4000 students, multiple bands and other musical groups, every sport imaginable, 5 or 6 languagesā€¦it didnā€™t need a new club.

It sounds like OPā€™s daughter is already very busy. Just have her keep going or, if she wants to give up soccer or another activity, let her lead the way to either get involved with something else (debate, Model UN, a new sport) or just chill.