<p>OK so, I am sophomore but I am 18.
I was 17 in my first year, so I guess I didn't really know how to handle all the pressure and independence very well.
Now that I am 18 and second year, it's time to mature and time grow.
My major problem is study habit.
I get distracted with facebook, games, YouTube videos, hulu pretty easily when I am studying. I am taking really hard science and math classes now.
So, science majors, what's your most successful studying strategy that works for you?
Do you use any outside sources other than the professor, lecture notes, and the textbook? If so what is the source you use? My friend, for instance, uses websites like cramster to study.
Help me out, otherwise my future is on the line.
I will really appreciate so very much if you can help me out.</p>
<p>Practice, practice, practice. Memorizing formulas by itself isn’t going to work, I’ve tried that in the past. You have to know how to apply and use those problems. The only way to do that is by practicing problems. But of course go over what you write down in the lectures. And go to every single recitation. For tests, go over the quizzes and see what you did wrong, and make sure you don’t make that same mistake.</p>
<p>I would say keep your cell phone on silent and go to the library instead of your room to study instead. I’ve noticed I’m more willing to concentrate when I’m away from all the main distractions and have either a big table to myself or a desk. </p>
<p>I don’t really use these sources as much as I thought I would, but I know that MIT’s OpenCourseware is useful and for some good explanations khanacademy is nice. I would generally advise that you stick to your book and if your book sucks, find another book in the library or online. </p>
<p>I really don’t understand how cramster helps people. I think it would be a crutch for most people. Go to your teacher’s office hours if you don’t understand something and can’t get an explanation out of another student. </p>
<p>Study every day so by the time you have a test you won’t have to cram. AKA, study even if you know everything to refresh/review, even if just for an hour a day. Work problems like crazy. </p>
<p>Get in touch with the smartest kid in your class. Make friends. Don’t pester them constantly but you know when you need some help they should be willing to help. </p>
<p>Your mindset: Don’t think of studying as a chore but an interesting activity. The more you’re interested, the more you’ll remember.</p>
<p>this is helping a lot.
thank you so much.!</p>