Need help with tutoring SAT I

<p>Okay, for me, SAT's over and done with. Yay. Now it's time for me to tutor my younger brother for the May SAT. Although that's like 4 month from now, I'd like to start early :)</p>

<p>Some background: My brother is a non-native speaker (we are international students) and is enrolled in a local school where english is not the medium of instruction. He got around 450CR,700M,450W for his diagnostic test (I taught him the kind of questions that will come out but otherwise no prep at all). Since his maths score is nothing to worry about, I figured that I would need to concentrate on improving his CR and Writing. For his first real SAT, I want him to set the goal at 1800-1900 (and then hopefully 2000+ for the retake)</p>

<p>Now for the questions..</p>

<p>Is this a reasonable goal to work with for his first SAT?</p>

<p>What's a good way to teach for the passage-based questions in CR? For vocab I'm already using the visual method described in another thread. It's working quite well so far.</p>

<p>For writing, I'm kinda split between revising the English grammar general with him or just prep him for SAT specific questions. Which one would work better in this case?</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>It's hard to say whether your goal is reasonable because depends on what schools your brother wants to apply to, what he's capable of scoring, and how much time he is willing to devote to studying.</p>

<p>For CR, you should have your brother start memorizing high frequency SAT vocabulary words. Set a goal for how many words to learn every day, and then frequently review the ones he already has memorized. A lot of practice tests will definitely help. He should be spending time reading quality English material similar to what appears on the SAT.</p>

<p>As for Writing, there's really no reason to waste time learning something that won't appear on the test. Just drill the types of grammar questions that the SAT tests.</p>