Need Help with writing section problem in Blue book

<p>I have the 2005 blue book so I am not sure if it is the same for everyone if you all have the 2006 book. Anyway, I need help with number 28 on page 661.</p>

<p>The question reads as follows: [In] the United States, the industrial [use of] plastics [is] greater [than steel], alumninum, and copper combined. [no error]</p>

<p>The book says that the answer is D [than steel].</p>

<p>Can someone please explain to me why this is the answer? Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>the industrial use of plastics is greater than steel</p>

<p>the sentence is clearly comparing greatnesses of two "uses". therefore, it would be correct to say "the industrial use of plastics if greater than the use of steel", not simply "steel." without the "use of steel" wording, different (wrong) implications arise.</p>

<p>This one is a tricky one but easy once you know what the problem is. The sentence as it is is comparing "use of plastics" to "steel, aluminum, and copper," which is illogical. So the sentence should compare the use of plastics to the use of steel, aluminum, and copper.</p>

<p>darn, sum33th beat me to it. :P</p>

<p>wow I see it now. Thanks for all your help.</p>