<p>Hello guys, I'm a Junior in High School, and have just took my first SAT and am very dissatisfied with my score..
I know you guys just post about 2000+ stuff, but my score that i took in January SAT was 560 in CR/Writing(8 in essay) and 740 in Math= 1860
I have not been studying a lot, addicted to a lot of games that i have spent just too much time on it (im not the kind of person who does drugs/smokes/alcohols, however)
i am very disappointed in myself, and that score in January just opened my eyes ( if that makes any sense)
Not to be stereotypical, but I'm asian, and just now i have told my parents my SAT score and i received a 1 hour long talk with my parents (FYI i moved to US about 6 years ago)
they told me i have failed and won't even make into a year into college, and i might as well give up studying.. They do have a reason to be mad at me, since they had sent me to a few thousand $ costing SAT prep classes, which i took last year summer.. ( they were expecting me to get 2000+)
i have bought 2 sat books (Princeton and Barron's) and being how lazy i am, i have not looked into either of them
i just have not been motivated to study a bunch, and i have a few B's and one C (i got this sem, AP English 11-i hate the teacher and he looks high every day in his classes) and my GPA is 3.96 (the highest one, there was like 4 and i have no idea what weighted/unweighted means)
i know that i deserved that score, and i know that i fucked up in my life...
am i really done with my life? should i just give up college and start working after graduating high school? (if so, i'm planning to take all AP courses next sem, should i just take reg classes)
i am taking another SAT in March (not signed up yet)(is that even a smart idea?), should i even go for it? (since i now have "opened" my eyes, i am not prone to play games and fuck up again)
this is president's week, and I'm just debating whether or not to study with my SAT books (if i am, what is the best strategy for my scores? i'm planning to take 1 practice test each morning, then review it the rest of the day)
Sorry for the mess in my discussion post, as it reflects my messed up thoughts inside my head
I really need help, and i'm in the verge of breaking down and giving up..
there are 4 ap tests coming up for me in may (AP Calc(ab), English, APUSH, and APBIO) and i have not studied for any of them, and since i have not studied a lot, i know little about any of them (except math, i've always been good at math its pretty easy for me)
I'm also worried about college essays, and that SAT subj tests
the one AP test i took last year in AP Euro, i was expecting at least a 3, and i got a 1 instead.
I guess it all comes down to: should i give up,? did i fuck up to the point that i cannot turn back? is it all over for me?
I know you all are very smart, and from a few posts ive read there are some people who got accepted to IVY leagues here
i seek help from you all, and i wait for replies..
Help me...</p>
<p>P.S.: i guess the last excuse i have is that ive never been settled to one place, ( went to 6 elementary schools, (repeated 5th since i had no english skills when i first came here then) thankfully 1 middle school, then now i have moved high schools.. ( i hated it ) this is my first year in this new school, and im very shy in making friends, so i was very reserved, eating lunch alone and whatnot)</p>