<p>I am incoming freshman for this fall semester.
I cannot attend UCSB orientation due to the fact that I am out of state until August 11th (I know, it sucks).
I understand that I am the last one to be registering for classes, but does that mean I cannot take any GE/major classes?
I am really scared about not taking any necessary classes...</p>
<p>Need help? :(
What should I do?</p>
<p>By the way, I am in Letters of College and Science...</p>
<p>Also, I just checked my pass time 2, and it’s 9/5/2014 3:00 PM - 9/10/2014 11:45 PM…
<p>@l2equiem Here’s info from their site, for students who are unable to attend: <a href=“http://www.sa.ucsb.edu/orientation/Alternatives/AlternativestoOrientation.aspx”>http://www.sa.ucsb.edu/orientation/Alternatives/AlternativestoOrientation.aspx</a> </p>
<li><p>You can register for classes here: <a href=“GOLD”>https://my.sa.ucsb.edu/gold/login.aspx</a>. Log in with your UCSB ID & password. “New students who do not attend Orientation should register for fall classes online during their Pass 2 registration time in early September.” Same time you were given, but from home/wherever you are.</p></li>
<li><p>What’s your major? Make sure to check out the requirements so you know what classes to register for. </p></li>
<p>-Here’s the catalog of classes: <a href=“UC Santa Barbara General Catalog - Catalog Home”>http://my.sa.ucsb.edu/Catalog/Current/Index.aspx</a>.
-Here’s the list of academic departments: <a href=“http://my.sa.ucsb.edu/Catalog/Current/CollegesDepartments/AcademicDepartmentDirectory.aspx”>http://my.sa.ucsb.edu/Catalog/Current/CollegesDepartments/AcademicDepartmentDirectory.aspx</a>. Select your major and click on “undergraduate.” There will be a PDF document for you to open, with your major’s requirements.</p>
<li><p>Make sure you take the necessary placement tests.</p></li>
<li><p>Please call your department at UCSB before you register, in case they might have any specific instructions not listed on the site. Ask about AP exam credits, if you have any. You don’t wanna sign up for classes you don’t have to take!</p></li>
<li><p>There’s a meeting Sept. 30th on campus for those who couldn’t attend orientation. It’s not for signing up for classes (you should have that done by then), just a general welcome.</p></li>
<p>Now breeeeaaaathe
You might not get the fun electives you might want, but I think your required classes should have an assured spot. Call them to make sure, though.</p>
<p>You may not get your first choices, but you WILL get GE and major classes. They hold back a certain number of class openings for each orientation group, and will likely hold some for those of you who can’t make it to orientation. They do this to spread out the opportunities. So don’t worry about classes that are full already. They will be opening more up.</p>