<p>First post guys!!.:D
So i am a karachiite
i have done o levels with well mediocre grades
Bs in English Maths nd Urdu
Cs in Physics Bio nd Isl
D in Pak Studies
E in Chem</p>
<p>however i improved my grades very much in As and got 4As
Maths Physics Chem Urdu
and i am hoping to get 4A<em>s or mayb 5A</em>s if i give A levels English</p>
<p>Sat score is very bad 1470..planning to give it again in decenber 2013</p>
<p>majors interested in:Something related to computer(engineering or science)
Couple of questions</p>
<p>I did my A levels privately what problems am i gonna run into??
I have done no internships what do i do??..:(..(School management was very crappy)
Are my olevel grades going to be a huge problem even if i have good Alevel grades??
How to improve my sat score to atleast 2100+..(can study Sat for almost 2 hours everyday)
My brothers are goin to pay for my tuition fees for all 4years,i have to takecare of rest of the expenses,so no scholarship needed!!!..:D(no more than 25000-30000 per year)
A good friend of mine joined University of Houston This fall in Petroleum or Chemical mayb his Sat score was 1600 ish and A level grades were 1A and 3Bs(is it that easy to get in there??)
also do i really have to give english in a levels or will my o level grade suffice??</p>
<p>What state or public universities can i apply to and have good chances of getting in??
Is university of houston a good safe university??
All suggestions are welcome!!..:D</p>