Need more schools on my list !

So i only have 7 schools on my list. My college consoler wants me to apply to 12.
So far...
Colorado State (safety)
Case Western Reserve (maybe)
University of Denver (maybe)
Emmanuel College (safety)
Northeastern University ( reach)
Dartmouth (reach)
York University <a href="safety/maybe%20depending%20on%20what%20program%20I%20chose">in Canada</a></p>

<p>Here is what I want in a school :</p>

<p>A school in the eastern USA or Ontario or Quebec, will settle for anywhere though</p>

<p>MUST have a good financial aid program </p>

<p>Offer a good advising program (I plan on attending med school after ) </p>

<p>Diverse, politically active, student body. </p>

<p>Employment on or off campus (plan on working at least 2 jobs) </p>

<p>Offer a good science program, or allow me to take classes in science to fulfill med school requirements, even if my major is not in science. </p>

<p>Community oriented liberal student body. </p>

<p>Thanks so much !</p>


<p>It would help to have a basic idea of what your profile as a student is - general GPA, Extracurriculars, course rigor, etcetera. That definitely alters the types of colleges people will recommend :)</p>

<p>Since you say that you’ll need FA, do you know how much aid you’d get from your “safeties”? If not, then those aren’t safeties. A safety has to be affordable as well. </p>

<p>What are your stats? </p>

<p>How much will your family pay? Will your family pay the amount that colleges might say that they must pay after the colleges look over your family’s income/assets???</p>

<p>*Hi everyone
So this is me…
I have a unweighted GPA of : 3.0
I have an extreme upward trend in grades, I had a horrid GPA freshmen year, but by my junior year(only) GPA is 3.9</p>

<p>So I have done ok on SAT
Reading : 650
Math : 675
Writing : 700</p>

<p>I will graduate with the only AP class my school has which is AP environmental science, I got a 5 though !

<p>Since you attend a boarding school, that may suggest that the family income is too high for aid. Is it?</p>

<p>You’re wrong. I have a full ride scholarship to my boarding school. My father is out of work due to health, I have 2 younger siblings. My mother is the only person who provides for our family of 5, not to mention my fathers medical bills. And she is in full time community college. Please don’t make assumptions without prior knowledge of someones financial situation…Sorry but I’m not the typical boarding school student.</p>

<p>So this is me…
I have a unweighted GPA of : 3.0
I have an extreme upward trend in grades, I had a horrid GPA freshmen year, but by my junior year(only) GPA is 3.9</p>

<p>So I have done ok on SAT
Reading : 650
Math : 675
Writing : 700</p>

<p>I will graduate with the only AP class my school has which is AP environmental science, I got a 5 though ! </p>

<p>I also am on XC running and went to states.
I began a organization at my school that fundraises to encourage health care reform in Haiti. We also do drives for medical supplies and we send them to Haiti. </p>

<p>I am also my dorms equivalent RA position.
I have been my class rep for 3 years
I am running for school president in the fall</p>

<p>I didn’t make assumptions, THAT’S why I asked!</p>

<p>Yes sorry I forgot all that. Its in a later post below.
In addition though
I started a organization to encourage health care reform in Haiti and we fundraise and do drives for health supplies and we send them/bring them to Port Au Prince
I am my class rep and have been for 3 years
I am also my dorms equivalent RA position
I am on XC team and went to states last year.
I also am on the ski team and went to states the last 2 years.
I am also on the board of my schools Democratic and Model UN club.</p>

<p>“I didn’t make assumptions, THAT’S why I asked!”</p>

<p>Im sorry. I am just really nervous about affording scholarships and i go to a boarding school where everyone (or almost anyone ) is wealthy and financial aid part of the college search really isn’t a big part in my college consoling office. Sorry</p>

<p>I think you would be a great fit for Earlham College!</p>

<p>A school in the eastern USA or Ontario or Quebec, will settle for anywhere though
We’re in Richmond, IN.</p>

<p>MUST have a good financial aid program
If you qualify for the Bonner Scholars program, that’s a renewable grant which is in exchange for volunteer service. [Bonner</a> Scholarships | Earlham College](<a href=“]Bonner”> Make sure you check the financial requirements. </p>

<p>Offer a good advising program (I plan on attending med school after )
We have great student-faculty relationships. I’ve been to three of my professors’ houses for dinner, and all of my profs know me by first name (I know them all by first name too, the first-name basis is a quaker thing), even three years after having taken their class. So you can get good advice from all your professors, not just your adviser. We also have peer mentors, which function as peer advisers, and there’s just in general a great environment for collaboration among peers as well.</p>

<p>Diverse, politically active, student body.
We’re very politically active, and the campus is phenomenally diverse - but not in the typical way. We’re around average for domestic minorities, but we are one of the 2-3 most internationally diverse LAC’s in the country. Last year’s freshman class was 25% international, and the college as a whole represents 82 countries and 41 states.</p>

<p>Employment on or off campus (plan on working at least 2 jobs)
Work-study is readily available, and if you’re also doing Bonner I think you can do both. If not, there are opportunities to be an RA starting in your sophomore year which can be done on the side.</p>

<p>Offer a good science program, or allow me to take classes in science to fulfill med school requirements, even if my major is not in science.
Earlham’s great in the sciences. We have a 95% med school acceptance rate and 80% get into one of their 3 preferred med schools. There’s a lot of emphasis on student research, and I’ve had the opportunity to present research that I’ve worked on at two conferences, and I should be getting published soon for a separate project. People get involved early and often, and faculty are great about writing letters of recommendation for REUs and other off-campus research opportunities.</p>

<p>Additionally, study abroad is available for every student at no additional cost - it is the same cost to study in Tanzania, London, or New Zealand (among many other places) as it is to study on campus. Most of our programs are run by faculty members.</p>

<p>Community oriented liberal student body.
Earlham students put in around 30,000 hours of volunteering service every year (and at 1100 students, that’s around 28 hours per student). It’s not a requirement, but almost everyone is involved in the community. We’re also pretty progressive! Earlham was the second coeducational college in the US (after Oberlin), and has always been ahead of the social justice curve.</p>

<p>Also, if you want to do a campus visit, the Admissions department will fly you in for free if you have the need. :slight_smile: So come check us out!</p>

<p>Since you attend a school where many/most kids are affluent, then you will have an issue that the GC will not be used to having to consider affordability for students.</p>

<p>So, you have two issues…needing lots of financial aid and you’re an int’l. That’s going to make assembling a list more difficult.</p>

<p>Your M+CR SAT is a 1325. Your GPA is another issue. The best schools that give int’l aid will likely expect GPA higher than a 3.0. </p>

<p>Working to help cover costs won’t really work because your visa won’t allow for you to work much…and you won’t get work-study either (federal aid).</p>

<p>Im a US citizen. I don’t know why you thought I was not. Possibly because another question I asked was because I am considering Canada. IM a US citizen but I am also a permanent resident of Canada. And 1325 out of 1600 I think is good. I know my GPA is an issue, but I have a strong upward trend.</p>


I’m so confused…</p>

<p>Sylvan… Sorry about that.
My sister, is a sophomore, and is currently a freshmen in high school. She is NOT a permanent resident and I used the form to ask questions for her and Canadian schools. I am however a permanent resident.
Sorry for the confusion, probably should have clarified in that post that it was a question for my sister</p>