Need objective feedback on SOM Professors and their support in the Accounting program.

I know I may be looking in the wrong place since this is the Binghamton board, but I am looking for current and former School Of Management students who can provide some feedback, objective, hopefully, on the professors in the accounting department. My son will be applying to various schools for accounting and I wanted to really know how supportive the professors are. I am cognizant of the fact that at any university there will be great professors, good professors and lousy professors. There is no perfect place out there. We will be applying to Suny Binghamton, Albany, Buffalo, Geneseo, as well as Bentley University, NYU, Baruch, Lehigh, and Bucknell. In all reality, we will wind up at a Suny because it is crazy to spend the private school tuition when there are great SUNY schools for accounting. But it is fun to see what, if any scholorships my son may get, and where he may or may not get in.

The reason why I am looking into this is due to the fact that I hear rumblings that the professors in the SOM can be distant, condescending, and really focused on research rather than teaching. I have no first hand knowledge of this. However, there was one (I know it is not a great sample size lol) example of a student who had to take a summer course at Albany for accounting, and the student was very impressed that the professor at Albany was extremely supportive. The student made the comment that the professors at BING only really care about research. Note that Albany is a research university as well so I do not know what to really make of that to be honest. I am not looking for hand holding; afterall this is not middle school. However, there are schools where the professors truly care how students do in a program, while others could really care less how students do in a program. in fact, it almost seems like some of the professors are jealous of the DOWNSATERS.

Like I was saying, I know this is one silly example, but I am trying to see if this is a trend at Binghamton. I know that Albany has some clunkers for professors as well. All colleges do!!

I have to admit that I have spoken to some of the Albany accounting professors, and I have to say that they are down to earth. I have not spoken to any of the Binghamton accounting professors as of yet, but I will in the near future.

I know that the SOM has an excellent reputation. I know the recruiting for accounting studens is great, but I am trying to get a sense if the professors as a whole, (not every one) care about the students, or if they only care about research.

Again, thanks in advance for your feedback.

Sorry, meant to say DOWNSTATERS.


Out of idle curiosity, why did you bump a thread that was already the top/most recent thread on the forum?

At least, he stimulated my curiosity xD



I figured you would want this bumped being as you’ve done so three times. But, while I am doing that for you, just curious what “objective feedback” means. Maybe people aren’t replying because they don’t know what that means. To me, feedback is, by definition, subjective.


You are telling me a Binghamton student cannot figure out what I meant by objective feedback? Really? I would hope they would. What I want, and, yes, maybe I should have been clearer, but what I want is honest feedback. I want the pro’s and con’s. Not just everything is all peach fuzz at Binghamton, and we are the best business school in the country. Even better than Harvard. LOL. I want to know what percentage of professors in the accounting dept suck and just care about publishing articles. How eager are the professors to really explain things to a student? Not hand hold, but not just say, read the book. How are the tutoring labs if one wants to seek extra help? But thank you for bumping this thread for me.

I would go to ratemyprofessor. Chances are you will get zero or one reply from a SOM student who has taken enough accounting classes to give you feedback. And even then, it is one person’s feedback which is entirely subjective. My son is a freshman in the SOM. But no accounting until next semester. My wife and I graduated Binghamton. I can’t answer your question. But I can tell you that the SOM isn’t Harvard or Wharton. But it is very well regarded by large accounting firms.

The big city large accounting firms hire dozens of SOM grads each year. That must say something about how the school prepares its students.


Thanks.Yes my son is a jr in high school and will be applying to the SOM next year He has taken the ACT twice so lets see if he gets in. Admissions is a funny business. I know this much, it is extremely difficult to get into the SOM from within the university. So, for us, it is the SOM or bust. If he does not get in, then he will go somewhere else.

The accounting program is excellent at Bing. However, sometimes one likes to look deeper into the intangibles of a school. That was what I was attempting to do, but we will be visiting in the spring so I will see what info, if any, I can garner.

I go on rate my professors all of the time. I wish they had it when I was in college. I read alot of the reviews and most are very good. Some, no so good.

We have a year to go but at least the ACT is behind him.


You bring up a topic that I always talk about, and that is recruitment. I believe that you will learn accounting at any college or university the same. Accounting is pretty much standard. The fedreal tax law is the federal tax law. I believe that you will learn it just as well at Oswego, Geneseo, NYU or Binghamton. The real difference is the recruiting and the networking. Not to knock Oswego, or Geneseo, (they are fine colleges) but the big 4 accounting firms live at universities like Binghamton, NYU, Albany, and Fordham. Therefore, if a student does well, the chances are that they will have more internship opportunities and better job placement, at a Binghamton rather than a school like Oneonta.

At the end of the day, every university has its share of excellent professors, and lousy professors. There real difference in the programs is the internship and job placement opportunities.
