<p>I recently been admitted to UCR's Biochem in the college of natural science. I am planning to go to a Medical School after my undergrad year, but not sure just how impacted is UCR's bio program. Also if anyone knows, can you tell me on average about how many percent of student actually goes towards a medical school out of how many applied. Thanks</p>
<p>My roomate is a biochem. All I have to tell about the pre med program is get ready for hell.</p>
<p>haha i’m already ready for hell the second that i signed up for biochem. Anyways thx for your reply</p>
<p>hope i can hear more opinion from other people as well</p>
<p>Try getting into the Thomas Haider Program!</p>
<p>UCR -> UCLA</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://www.biomed.ucr.edu/]Home[/url”>http://www.biomed.ucr.edu/]Home[/url</a>]</p>
<p>Unless the program got cancelled lol</p>
<p>Yah I was interested in the programs and partnerships that UCR offered and I saw the UCR/UCLA Thomas Haider Program in Biomedical Sciences about a month ago. It sounds like a really good program if they accept 24 students each year from UCR. </p>
<p>I also heard that UCR was opening a medical school in 2012.</p>
<p>but is the program itself going to continue? Because i heard that as soon as UCR’s medical school is opened, the program will be gone.</p>
<p>wouldn’t they have given a notice in advanced then?</p>
<p>It will be around for a few years while we transition from it to the MedSchool. Still go for it, by then your options will be UCLA MedSchool, UCR MedSchool, and UCR/UCLA Thomas Haider. How awesome is that?! </p>
<p>Here’s a quote I think is relevant:
“We’ve had half a MedSchool here at UCR for over 30 years…” -Chancellor Timothy P. White, today during a meeting I was proctoring.</p>