Need opinions on Geneseo (Academics: Econ, Math, Gov) (A little about campus too)

<p>I just received my Acceptance to Geneseo today. I originally applied to the school because someone suggested it to me for being a good public school, but I didn't really think about it until I visited it last Summer. We visited the campus as part of a week long college trip to see 3 schools in DC and 3 in upstate NY, with Geneseo being our 1st in upstate NY after heading up from DC. The trip through the country during a dark and stormy night made me think I was going to die before I reached the campus. When I got there, what I saw was a hokey little town in the middle of nowhere. Since then I have thought of Geneseo as "An option if I don't get in anywhere else." Not because it is in any way a safety (most of the schools I applied to were roughly on the level of Geneseo academically), but more just because of my horrid first impression. Thinking about it more logically now, I'm not sure that it is a fair assessment of the school. </p>

<p>Now that I have gotten accepted to Geneseo and various other schools and have had more time to ponder my options, I really don't know what to think of Geneseo anymore. Part of me still wants to avoid it for reasons of mortality, but the rational part of me realizes how silly this is and wonders whether or not I would actually be happy there. Since my deadline for making a decision is coming down to the wire, (I'd like to decide by March 15th since I also applied to CUNY Macaulay and I want to be able to decide by then for housing purposes.) I'm really no closer to actually being able to choose between my options, and I have very little desire to go visit 4 or 5 schools again for a bunch of phony admitted students days, I'd like to get some opinions from anyone who has had more experience with Geneseo, or at least has put more rational thought into it than I have. </p>

<p>The specific things I'm wondering about, as per the tittle, have to do with my interests in majors and what the campus/town is like if you live there for four years. </p>

<p>Academics: My long run goals are to do a really high up job in the government. My thoughts on how I wanted to go about my college education to get there revolves around this idea: I'd like to get an econ BS (or if not available as a BS, a BA+Mathematics degree) for flexibility when I graduate. I want to have the option to go for an econ PhD (which requires a high level of econ and math, hence why I'd be majoring in econ/math rather than government or business for undergrad.) or a masters in public policy/affairs, business, etc. So how is the economics department? Does it go deep enough into the subject that I could go for an econ PhD? If not, is the mathematics department expansive enough to provide a viable substitute for the classes the econ department lacks? How well regarded would the degree be when applying for grad school/PhD programs?
Also, how are the government related departments? I'm not sure that I'd major in them, but if I had the time I might consider minoring in it. </p>

<p>Campus/town: Like I said, my 1st impression of the school was that it was in the middle of nowhere and that if the town suddenly vanished I'm not sure that anyone would ever find out. Of course I only stayed a day and my opinion was already skewed due to my death defying trip up there. What do people feel about living there for an extended period of time? Does the town get boring? Is there anything to do if you don't want to party/drink? Is the internet access decent if you just want to stay inside during the winter? Is the "naturey" environment something that you feel actually helps the experience? </p>

<p>Just for the sake of comparison, the other schools I'm considering in the same tier as Geneseo are:</p>

<p>SUNY Binghamton (Accepted)
CUNY Baruch (Accepted but waiting on Honors decision for Macaulay/Dean's scholars in order to make it an option to consider.)</p>

<p>Did you apply to SUNY Albany; their opportunities for state government internships are fantastic. I have a child at Geneseo, the plusses are that it is a lot like a small liberal arts college and you can get to know everyone. It is in the county seat of Livingston County, so all the county offices are there; you should ask if they have student internships, getting to know everyone in a small county can be a big step to higher government jobs. You really do need a car if you want to get an internship in Rochester which is 40 minutes away</p>

<p>Yeah I also got into Albany and was invited to join the honors college if I apply for it, I just don’t really like the school enough to put in the extra effort when I had already gotten into similar/better schools like Binghamton and now Geneseo. </p>

<p>That’s interesting, I don’t know about the government offices in Geneseo.</p>

<p>Look at this thread if you haven’t already:
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hi, My daughter is a freshman at Geneseo. I know how hard making a decision is. She is doing very well there and from what I can tell she is having alot of fun. Why dont you take another look. Its hard to tell what a school is like with out students around. Academically its a very good place to end up.</p>

<p>What does your D study at Geneseo ? Econ dept had 5 profs, Bing had about 20 in same field.At a small school, your academic experience would vary significantly by major. Seems there are lots more Education majors than anything else.</p>