I’m currently at a pretty good school in the northeast that regularly gets students in to good wall street firms. I have a 3.73 and I’m majoring in economics with a double minor in finance and math. I’m thinking of transferring to a top tier school however and I’m looking for advice. I’m basically guaranteed to finish with a GPA above a 3.8 if I stay here but I really want to leave. If I go to this school I will only be able to major in economics and not get a double minor plus my GPA would probably be lower. My question is, would sacrificing the two minors and the higher GPA be offset by a more prestigious school?
Stay where you are. Prestige isn’t everything, and working on Wall Street is great; the minors will make you more marketable.
Why do you say you can’t get the minors? Are the courses that would make up those minors not offered at your current school? Or, is it that your current school simply doesn’t record minors on academic records?
Why are you guaranteed above a 3.8 when your current GPA is below 3.8…just curious