Need parking info for Fri night and Saturday

<p>I am a parent that will be visiting my D on campus tomorrow. I won’t arrive until 5pm or later.</p>

<p>Does anyone know where I could park on campus tomorrow night, (Fri. night), until Saturday morning?
I am not sure where to park since there is a home football game the next day. </p>

<p>Then where would I park before the game on Saturday? And could I leave my car there until Sunday morning?</p>

<p>Parking on football game days is akin to “the excrement hitting the fan”, so to speak. </p>

<p>Here is some info: </p>

<p><a href=“Visitor Parking – Parking Services | The University of Alabama”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You have to be careful where you park when you’re here for a GameDay weekend. If you’re staying in a hotel, do they have a shuttle that can take you places, while you leave your car in their parking lot?</p>

<p>I am staying with my D in the dorm.
Still trying to figure out the parking situation. Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>Which residence hall?</p>

<p>Certain areas have to be free of cars both Friday and Saturday until the game ends - the Tutwiler lot being one. Your student gets alerts and will know. AFter the game is over, campus parking is not monitored and you can park anywhere until Monday about 7 a.m.</p>

<p>The @UAgameday feed on Twitter provides up to date traffic, parking, and other information for gamedays.</p>

<p>Thank you for the info. It helps to know about the twitter feed and that I can park most places well after the game until Monday morning. And the Gameday info too.</p>

<p>I ended up buying a Lot B parking pass and parked there last night. I will just leave the car until Sunday.</p>

<p>I am looking forward to the parade and the game.</p>

<p>Thank you again!!</p>