Need quick advice please!!!

<p>ok, so I just finished typing an essay that is due tomorrow, and my printer does not work.
Also, I would send it to my teacher's email address, but I don't have hers.
What should I do?
Does anyone know a website where I could send it to that is usually not blocked by schools?

<p>Thank you in advance</p>

<p>flash drive and print at school perhaps</p>

<p>Email it to a friend and ask them to print it & give it to you at school tomorrow.</p>

<p>don’t have a flash drive…but thanks anyways</p>

<p>My friends aren’t online…but maybe I could send it to a teacher?</p>

<p>I know my school doesn’t block Gmail…You could make a gmail account takes like 20 seconds, then email it to that account, access it at school and print it that way.</p>

<p>also: buy a freaking 10 dollar flash drive at wal-mart lol</p>

<p>Take a picture of it on your computer in case you can’t print it. Then show the teacher the picture.</p>

<p>If all else fails could you write it out by hand, and explain to the teacher what happen and just let that be a “stand in” assignment to show you did it? </p>

<p>Most schools have the teachers’ school emails posted on the school website. If that doesn’t work, and if you don’t like my other option, maybe just send it to a teacher and explain what you’re doing.</p>