<p>So I took it today, and I believe I was one question off AIME (Need 100, predicting 94.5 after a stupid mistake).<br>
Assuming this is my real score, would it be worth it to tell Penn with some other updated info?<br>
I'm applying to Wharton, and I'm an Asian male from NY. I scored 800 on both SAT Math and SATII Math 2C, and I've gotten various regional awards for math competitions. </p>
<p>I just don't know if this would be helpful or harmful to my application, if it's too low to seem competitive for Wharton.</p>
<p>I am currently a junior at Penn… I received a 118.5 on AMC 12. And, trust me, it didn’t make a single difference. Unless you score above 120-130, it doesn’t really mean anything.</p>
<p>The AMC really means nothing, as reaching the USAMO through the AIME is virtually impossible for probably the vast majority of student at Penn. And as Hoos said the AMC 12 probably isn’t that beneficial unless you manage incredibly high scores…</p>
<p>But say one did get 120+, and he or she is senior. Should he or she call them up and notify them, or is his or her application already in, so it can’t be altered?</p>
<p>I’m currently a soph and scored 145.5 last year and 150 today, would those AMC scores help my app for Penn at all, or are they just not concerned with math?</p>
<p>oh wow, that makes me feel a lot better =)
i thought that i had no shot at penn since none of my hooks are relevant to business
i’d acutally probably like to go to penn over mit though, since i’m slightly more passionate about the humanities than the sciences</p>
<p>^not official yet, but at least that’s what my math teacher told me =)</p>
<p>so would sending in your scores help? i got a 102, which i guess isnt as amazing as a score above 120, but i really think it would help…or would it?</p>