Need some advice for Sping 09 schedule

CS70 CS61CL PHY 7B MATH 54</p>

<p>I still debating whether I should take math 54 this semester or not. I am taking cs61a, math 53, phys 7a and aas 27ac with 14 hrs of work per week this semester, and I find the workload manageable, so do you guys think the workload for next semester would be too much?</p>

<p>why would you want to take math 54 AND math 53? ew</p>

<p>its actually math 55 (cs 70) and 54, and the reason is that I am trying to finish low-div core classes as fast as possible so I would be able to take 10 upper-div cs classes and possibly a few grad classes that I am interested in in the coming 3 years without having to deal with 3 upper-div project classes per semester.</p>

<p>oops, I just realized I spelled spring wrong =(</p>

<p>This is a bit on the hard side. With Sinclair, CS 70 can be pretty hard. CS 61CL has 6 hours of lab per week, which I’m finding to be too much this semester. However, if you don’t have other time commitment like part-time job or research, then I’d say this schedule is doable. Just keep yourself on top of everything.</p>

<p>CS70 CS61CL PHY 7B MATH 54</p>

<p>that schedule is very doable. personally i found math 54 to be less demanding than 53 and conceptually easier. </p>

<p>cs70 was a joke. might depend on your professor though. simple proofs by induction, etc. basic probability</p>

<p>cs61cl: it gets hard towards the second half of the course. project 4 might keep you up a night or two. </p>

<p>add an easy humanities course on top of that schedule and you should be set. by taking as many courses as possible, you’ll have room to take more upper div courses later in your college career</p>