<p>I need to take three subject test because the colleges I will apply to, require 3 tests. Next year, I will be a junior. I know that I will take physics because I am taking physics B ap next year adn knowing some material before hand will help while I am studying for it. Also I know I will take Math 2 because I will take pre-calculus next year which according to collegeboard, says is extremely helpful. I need help to choose a third sat subject test. Next year I will in Spanish 5 Honors, English Lang AP, Physics B AP, US History AP, Comp Sci A AP. I have already taken biology honors in freshman year, and taken chemistry honors sophomore year. What do you guys recommend. Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>I’d say you might want to take a humanities SAT II to round out your testing history (since your other two are math/science-y)- so maybe spanish or history?</p>
<p>I was thinking US history too. If you really know a language (like native speaker, immersed speaker, whatever), maybe take that. But I think history would look better. And since you will probably be studying for the may AP tests, it makes sense to either take the SATII early May (and start AP studying a bit earlier than normal) or early June. You could also take the english test, but I don’t know if that is lit or language (or both).</p>
<p>Es importante que tu (con accento, pero soy peresozo asi que no quiero anadir accentos) puedas leer esta frase con perfeccion para tomar el examen. Si no puedes leerla perfectamente, recomiendo que tu no tomas el examen de espanol y tambien tomas el examen de historia or ingles. </p>
<p>I may have made a mistake above, so if you recognize one you are probably halfway decent at spanish.</p>