Hello Everyone,
I am currently a senior HS student and I am in the process of choosing a college. I still haven’t received anything from Stony, I applied to their EOP program with 3.7 GPA and 1200 SAT around December. I am weighing options as in if I want to go to the CUNY which there are 3 of them which are in my sights and I have been accepted to (Hunter, City, Queens) or I wait for Stony and decide to go there and be a commuter. I have heard of various problems with the CUNY schools (bad administration, overcrowded class) as I have heard also the same things for Stony except for the bad administration part. I am looking to pursue a career in Physician Assistant and I am aware that I just need to take the pre-reqs for the programs I going to apply after graduation but I am stuck here as what will be the best for me? Commute to CUNY which gave me 12k for the year and I am getting around 3k back every semester or Stony which If I do get accepted maybe I will get 10-12k? (my friend got accepted and got this – same situation financially as me) and commute to it? and get like 1k-2k back. Also, It will take me 2 hr to commute by train and 1 hr to commute my car to Stony which I don’t have yet vs 40min-1hr by train to CUNY .My family is an immigrant so money is also tight. Any advice is appreciated and thanks for stopping by and reading this long wall of text.
PS. I am not really sure as what should be the best for me, so that’s why I have 3 CUNY instead of it being one or two. I can be in IT or be a History/English teacher if I feel physician assistant is for me after taking the classes.
Hey! I’m also a senior in HS looking to pursue a career in physician assistant studies! (I committed already to a direct bs/ms physician assistant program at NYIT) despite that, CUNY was always in consideration for me (I was thinking about going to Baruch, I really liked their Weissman School of Arts and Sciences). Reason why I didn’t pick CUNY was because of the commute, I knew it would kill me lol and NYIT was more convenient for me in all aspects. I didn’t apply to Stony because of the commute, I don’t want to drive 1 1/2 hours almost every day.
I would recommend to go visit the CUNY schools and see which you like best. I went to go see Hunter and didn’t like it too much. What I’ve seen in my college search is that Hunter is known for the sciences but the general classes (gen chem, bio, psych) are hugeeee due to big enrollment (I know someone who goes there).
City is pretty good too, (they have a med school, Sophie Davis) but again I think for CUNY’s it’s just which one you like best. City has a pa program for the master’s portion, but I would ask around to see if City takes their own undergrad graduates in their pa program (the reason why I say this is because, in Cornell, undergrads who go there rarely get into the Weill-Cornell med school, idk about pa though).
My cousin goes to Stony as a bio major. He’s told me that at first the general classes are big, but they’re meant to “weed” out the weak students. He’s a current sophomore and likes it there, he likes the education he’s getting there.
My opinion is to wait for Stony and see what they say, then weigh out your options. Pm me if you want, I’ll be glad to help you