need some advice

<p>I am in my sophomore year of highschool and am really interested in MIT. My current stats are GPA (weighted) of 4.25. (I do not know my unweighted as school does not say :/). I have A in Chemistry and Algebra II, but my AP Biology and English are at Bs unfortunately... Although, I plan on taking 10-12 APs.... I do swimming and am part of 3 clubs, Stock market, Mu Alpha Theta, and Model UN. Is there anything else I can do to increase my chances. I am thinking of doing a science fair next year since a new teacher is coming in who specializes in this kind of thing. Out of my class (it's small), I am like 5/65.</p>

<p>In general, I just want to know what else I can do to improve my chances.</p>

<p>also, I am Colombian if that helps in anything :P</p>

<p>what I’m about to say has become almost as cliche as chances threads but I speak from my own experience, honest.</p>

<p>Do what you love to do. that’s something you should practice for the rest of your life. so do what makes you feel great (besides potentially hazardous substances), excel at them, and demonstrate that passion.
you WILL catch the attention of MIT if do so. </p>

<p>and MIT is a science school, so being active in the sciences will help i suppose.</p>

<p>and please don’t think being a URM is going to get you anywhere. it really ticks me off when people try to exploit that. it makes the normal, hard-working, passionate students who unfortunately are not as poor or “unique” as some students. if you want that treatment apply to harvard. XD, but no hard feelings, really.</p>

<p>hope that helps</p>

<p>I agree with everything Prime235 said and also, don’t do something just because you think MIT will want to see it. If you don’t genuinely want to do an activity but do it anyways just because you think they want this, you’ll only be hurting yourself.</p>