<p>Well right now I am attending Georgia Tech, I came in as an aerospace engineering major but not only was it too hard it also didn't really interest me as I thought it would. I am thinking I am going to do management of information systems. I definitely want to transfer because I really don't like the school and people here, much different than my friends from back home. I live in New Hampshire and I want to go closer to home and I really want to go to UNH because it is a decent business school and I know so many people there. I have visited it many times and I really think I like it there. I already applied to UNH and I think I will get in even though my GPA is low due to the major I was in. Now I need to decide if I should finish out this year or if I should take the 2nd semester off. It would be a waste of money if the classes don't transfer but also my family is afraid that if I come home I wont want to go back to college. I am really confused and to be quite honest pretty depressed lately. There are times where I doubt I can make it through another semester at a place I really hate. Then I think that if I go home will I want to go back and will I become depressed since none of my friends will be around and I will have no social life. My parents are split on this decision too and to make it worse I really don't have too much time to make this decision. I kind of feel that if I take a semester off I will be a quitter and my parents will be disappointed because I have always been the academic son while my older brother was always the athletic one and I do worry that I wont want to go back because I am VERY lazy. If I take the semester off I will just work to earn some cash but I am afraid my laziness will get to me and I wont want to go back to college. What do you think I should do, spend another semester at a school I hate and tend to be depressed at or go home and run the risk of not wanting to go back and becoming more depressed due to the lack of friends at home?</p>
<p>Is it too late to transfer to UNH for the Spring term?</p>
<p>yea I missed it by a month....I was talking with my parents on the phone though and I am thinking I am going to just tough it out for 1 more semester. It is only four months and this way I wont be a semester behind.</p>
<p>Yeah.. I know how it feels. I'm at a college now that I don't like all that much.</p>