Need some ideas for tech related volunteering

<p>It's my junior year and I haven't done any volunteering and the sense of urgency has dawned upon me. Ever since freshman year I have been thinking about where to volunteer and haven't really figured it out.</p>

<p>I'm interested in majoring in something that is technology or science related possibly some sort of engineering field, so I want my volunteering to tie in with that. I'm quite good with computers and know how to program, teach other people how to do things, or fix them, so I wanted to do something perhaps related to that, but I'm not sure. Everyone else volunteers at the first aid squad and library so I kind of want to stay away from that.</p>

<p>I've read a lot of volunteering College Confidential posts regarding volunteering and I know common advice is to do what you like. I know what I like, but I'm not sure what exactly to do or where to do it. So help me out here guys, thanks. Also, bonus points if I can get hours very quickly.</p>

<p>PS: I did also post this in the HS Life forum, but it doesn't seem quite as serious as any of the other ones.</p>

<p>Could you offer to design/program a website for a small, local non-profit?</p>

<p>I could, but would I get volunteering hours for that?</p>

<p>Yeah, sure. I don’t see why not. You’d be saving the organization big bucks. </p>

<p>Just ask. Be honest and say that you would like to earn some volunteer hours and have some unique talents you’d like to put to use. They might say they don’t have a need for a new website, but there’s probably an organization somewhere in your area that does.</p>

<p>Yes, those would count as volunteer hours. I don’t know what area you live in, but there are different websites, social service clearinghouses, etc that match volunteers with organizations that need them. I know one is Other possibilities might include teaching technical skills to others (kids, seniors), tutoring/help desk, rehabbing computers to donate to needy organizations… find something that interests you. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for the ideas guys. They’re all things I’m now considering to do. However, a question is how would I get volunteer hours for building computers to donate? I do have a LOT of spare parts that I could use to build around 20 or so computers.</p>

<p>I know someone who helped teach seniors to use computers</p>

<p>How would you get volunteer hours for building computers to donate?</p>

<p>Is there a computer or tech teacher at your school who would oversee you on this project? Just tell him/her what you want to do, keep a log of the hours, show them the working computers at the end and get them to sign off on it. Then get a letter from whoever you donate the computers to (Boys and Girls club, church group, inner city literacy program, etc). You don’t really have to show this paperwork proving your volunteer hours to anybody, unless it is the National Honor Society or your Guidance Counselor who will mention it in your recc letter.</p>