<p>I'm in my senior year and about to send in my applications. I plan on majoring in colonial to present American history, and possibly doubling up with journalism. My reach is William & Mary, slight reaches are UVirginia and Oberlin. My probable match is Miami(oxford). I want at least 2 or 3 more choices that will be safeties or slight reaches. Looking for colleges from Midwest to East Coast, and would really like some suggestions for good LAC's. Nothing bigger than 20,000 </p>
<p>-Small rural public school (750 total)
-Took toughest course load, only 1 AP offered
-GPA: 3.9(W), will be 4.2^ by end of semester
-Good recs
-85th percentile (will be in top 10% by end of year)
-President of national honors society
-treasurer french honors society & student council
-40+ hrs community service
-Working on a local history project from a federal grant
-varsity basketball
-Mock Trial (2 yrs)
-Vice President of Friendly Sports Rivalry Committee (student-based sportsmanship committee for our school's conference)
-Played guitar for 5 years
-Worked 2 summer jobs and currently working this school year(20 hrs/week)
-SAT: 1210
-ACT:27 (just took it again, think i did better)</p>