Need some recomendations for a physics workbook.

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>Im taking a calculus based physics course and I am need some extra practice. I learn by doing lots of examples. For some reason I cant just look at my notes and do the home work. Would anyone know of any physics workbooks with lots of practice problems with solutions?</p>


<p>I had to get tons of these books to do well in physics. The two I thought were most helpful were “3000 solved problems in Physics” and “Physics for engineering and science”, both are produced by Schaum’s. These two were great as I could use them for the entire series.</p>

<p>[</a> 3,000 Solved Problems in Physics (Schaum’s Solved Problems) (Schaum’s Solved Problems Series): Alvin Halpern, Alvin Halpern: Books](<a href=“]”>
[</a> Schaum’s Outline of Physics for Engineering and Science: Michael Browne: Books](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>If I could only recommend one it would be the first (3000 solved…)</p>

<p>Thanks for the rec. I ordered the 3,000 problems book. Looks useful, although I couldnt find anything about springs, which is what were doing now. :slight_smile: But there is tons of stuff.</p>

<p>try this website, [MIT</a> OpenCourseWare | Physics | 8.01 Physics I: Classical Mechanics, Fall 1999 | Home](<a href=“]MIT”></p>

<p>i was kind of like you, needing to work problems, but this REALLY helped with concepts and made problems very easy. it also has practice exams!</p>