Need some safety schools please [3.77 GPA, 1460 SAT, tri-state area for Engineering]

Need some safety schools for DD. She wants over 5,000 students with some rah rah and sports. Nothing in the hot weathered states or anything past the middle of the country. We are in the tri state area. Studying engineering. Her list right now has too many reaches and targets.

4.28 W (school doesn’t do unweighted)
1460 SAT (800 Math 660 Verbal)
9 AP’s (that includes senior year)
3 year varsity soccer and club soccer for 6 years
Volunteering but not a ton
Not much leadership

She wants to apply ED to UVA or Wash U.

Which tri state area?

Why does she want to apply ED to either of these?

For more likely schools…tOhio State University, University of Delaware, University of New Hampshire, Purdue…actually just about any state flagship.

Do you have a budget limit?

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She liked both schools when she visited. New Jersey. We do not have a budget in mind.

Are all on her list…as is Michigan, Wisconsin, Maryland, Pitt

Rutgers should be on her list.

For maryland, applications need to be done early action.


You need a budget. Some of these colleges will cost a lot as an out of state student…which your kid is. Most do not guarantee to meet full need for all and they don’t.


Penn State?

If she decides to apply to Pitt, she should do so now or in September.




@AustenNut suggestions?

Rutgers is on there too. Yes will tell her to apply to Pitt as soon as her common app is completed. She didn’t want Penn state. Will look in to Dayton. As far as budget we can do full pay.

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Yes, but full pay could mean $30K or $80K+ depending on the school. What is the most you are willing to pay per year?

How about Indiana, Kansas, or Missouri? Maybe one of the SUNYs? Or for smaller universities that still have sports, try Temple, Butler, Cincinnati, Xavier, and Marquette (not sure you you feel about Catholic schools, but the ones included here attract non-Catholic students, as well).

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Marquette is a great option!


TCNJ should be a safety, and NJIT a possible safety/likely.

Great school, but definitely not a safety/likely.


Purdue a match? @momofboiler1

Check on formula for weighting many schools recalculate with 1 point for college lvl classes ie. AP DE IB AICE etc
.5 for honors some schools ie UC don’t weight Honors
Check if only core classes
This will give you a better range on how she compares to other applicants.

Instead of UVA other large state schools… VT, Maryland, Penn State, Minnesota, Colorado Boulder

Instead of WashU other mid size privates… Rensselaer, Villanova, Marquette, Dayton, Rochester


If looking for engineering, not in hot states, with ra ra spirit, and more than 5k undergrads, then I’d look at:

  • U. of Dayton (OH) (already mentioned)
  • Marquette (WI) (already mentioned)
  • U. of Louisville (KY) - the Speed engineering program was modeled on Cal Poly -SLO’s learn-by-doing approach
  • U. of Cincinnati (OH) - this school has a very heavy co-op focus
  • Iowa State - very well-reputed for engineering

These are other schools that meet the criteria that I think could work:

  • Kansas State
  • U. of Kansas
  • U. of Kentucky
  • Michigan State
  • U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Syracuse (NY) - but show interest if you want an acceptance…high stats students that did not show interest did not get acceptances

Again, like Purdue, Maryland is not a safety.

A school with a 33% overall acceptance rate and an OOS engineering acceptance rate in the low 20s doesn’t qualify as a safety.


Calculate it by using A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0 across all semesters of academic courses (English, math, history and social studies, science, foreign language, visual and performing arts).

No one outside of your high school knows what 4.28 weighted GPA means. If the weighting is heavy, it could come from a 3.28 or lower unweighted GPA.

NJ publics with decent selections of engineering majors include NJIT, Rowan, Rutgers, and TCNJ. Perhaps one or more of these might be affordable and an admission safety?


Does your daughter have a specific engineering major in mind already, or is she looking for a school where she can start as engineering undeclared?