<p>I have a big problem.. I had been rejected to UIC (University of illinois at chicago) and my counselor called the admissions office today to see if their was any other way to get in. I applied for the architecture program and they said that if i can get a letter of recommendation from one of my teachers, send in my 7th semester grades and write another essay about why i should be reconsidered then i might be able to get in. Well i got my teacher in my architecture class to write me a letter of rec, and i got my school head counselor to send in the transcript so all i need now is to type up my paper.. But problem is i have no idea where to even start or how im going to word it out. Any help please..?</p>
<p>Sit down and brainstorm what should be on the letter. Include your interest in architecture and why you like their program. Then put it aside for a few hours or days and go back to the list. Then write a draft, edit, send.</p>
<p>Try to feel good about this. They see real positives in your application!</p>
<p>Then start. talk about how UIUC is your dream school, its your top choice, that you will matriculate 100% and how you will take any extended admission offer. Then speak on your passion for architecture and emphasize how UIUC is the place where you know you can learn the skills and knowledge necessary to be able to develop into a successful architect. I would say something like "Any success I have doing architecture later on in life will not only be my success, but UIUC's as well."</p>
<p>Its basically a matter of not only guaranteeing you will be attending but kissing up to them subtly while explaining why you want to go.</p>
<p>@ momfromme, I dont have a lot of time to do type this. Im having my counselor and english teacher read my rough draft tomorrow then im going to make some quick changes and fax it over.</p>
<p>Flong, do you think that quote would sound a little to cocky?</p>
Flong, do you think that quote would sound a little to cocky?
I don't think it is. All colleges want to think that their graduates will go out into the world and succeed, so it's not a far stretch. Plus I'm pretty sure that due to your passion for architecture, you'll have at least a few successes in your future. I agree with flong -- subtly sucking up will help a lot.</p>
<p>These kinds of letters are not the time to be modest. I know it might seem a little awkward to be touting yourself (especially if you're a naturally modest person), but in this case you really want to let the adcoms know what you can do.
Good luck!</p>
<p>Ok i think i got a rought draft going.. its kind of long but if anybody can read it and give me some tips i would really appreciate it.. here it is..</p>
<p>Dear ...,</p>
<pre><code>I would like to start off by saying that the College of Architecture and the Arts at the University of Illinois at Chicago is one of the best schools to attend in the Chicago land area. This is one of the many reasons why it is my first choice in colleges that I want to attend. I was very disappointed to here that I was not accepted into your institution. I am writing to you today to request a reconsideration of my application and hopefully be admitted to UIC. I understand that there are many well qualifying applicants who have also applied but I hope that this letter can help explain the benefits I can also bring along with the other well qualified students.
I would like to emphasize that I have maintained a B average in my four years in high school and currently have a GPA of 4.16. I am in the top third of my class with a rank of 169 out of 491 and received a composite score of 23 on my ACT. I would also like to add that I had passed my high school credit requirements by taking two extra semesters of Math and Science and one extra semester of English along with many electives.
What I really am most proud about during my high school career was the electives I had enrolled in during my senior year. Two of my favorites being Architectural Design, where we design houses and buildings using up to date software that professional Architects would use, and Practical Architectural Construction which consists of building a single family home in Wheeling, Illinois from start to finish with professional contractors. These two classes have helped me realize my passion for Architecture and how this career will effect me in both views from a desk and on a construction site. It has given me a wonderful experience that I think would help tremendously when trying to become a certified Architect and I believe that this experience can only be best expanded upon by attending your institution.
So as you can see, I am very interested in pursuing my education at the University of Illinois at Chicago in the College of Architecture and the Arts. Any success I have being an architect later on in life will not only be my success, but UICs as well. Thank you for taking your time to read my letter.
<p>Don't make it too long. Make it short and sweet. I told you that you should first pay your respects to the admissions i.e. saying like "i hope this letter finds you doing well" or something of that nature. It shows that you are courteous and are thinking beyond only yourself. </p>
<p>And dont yammer on and on about your successes or things of that nature. These people will quickly read through your letter and really the shorter it is, the more they take in before getting bored or losing some of that attention. Talk about how it is a great institution where you can really hone your skills, and emphasize how you've taken mulitple classes in architecture, found a passion in them, and took classes on them in which you were successful. </p>
<p>After that, emphasize agian how much you want to go there, how it is ur TOP school, how you will matriculate 100%, it is your dream to go there, and you will take ANY extended offer even if it means taking an extedned offer of admission for a later term or fidning off campus housing to accomdate schools needs (this again shows you are beyond simply urself). </p>
<p>Also, send in something creative. Honestly, spend an all nighter and build something or send in something that you have built. Show them that you are creative and do have a mindset/creativity to be an architect adn also by sending in something creative you give them more input on who you are and what you are capable of doing. And in the thing you send in, make an affiliaton to teh school. If its a house, make the door open up and have a picture of you inside holding a sign saying "Id love to be at UIUC nextyear" or something of that nature.</p>
<p>UIUC is an amazing school so you have to prove you are an amazing student. And you may not really believe anythign I say is true, but i wa son the MIchigan waitlist and I did all the things i mentioned, and 2 days after michigan recieved my creative thing/letter i was admitted.</p>
<p>Ok i made some changes.. how does this sound?</p>
<pre><code>I hope this letter finds you doing well. I would like to start off by saying that the University of Illinois at Chicago is one of the best schools to attend in the Chicago land area. This is one of the many reasons why it is my first choice in colleges that I want to attend this fall. I was very disappointed to here that I was not accepted into your institution. I am writing to you today to request a reconsideration of my application and hopefully be admitted to The College of Architecture and the Arts.
I would like to emphasize that I have maintained a GPA of 4.16 and am in the top third of my class rank. I would also like to add that I had passed my high school credit requirements and am now taking extra classes to fill my schedule including many electives. Some of these electives being Architectural Design, where we design houses and buildings using up to date software that professional Architects would use, and Practical Architectural Construction where we built a single family home from start to finish with professional contractors. These two classes have helped me realize my passion for Architecture and has taught me many skills. I believe that to add to the skills I have accumulated I should attend a university that has one of the best Architectural programs in the area.
So as you can see, I am very interested in pursuing my education at The College of Architecture and the Arts. UIC is one of my top schools that I want to attend and I believe that by attending your school it will give me an experience that no other institution can give me. Any success I have being an architect later on in life will not only be my success, but UIC’s as well. Thank you for taking your time to read my letter.
<p>Please tell me thats better then the last one.. lol</p>
<p>its alot better. you left out though how you will attend 100% and you will find other housing/take any extedned offer. In the beginning you used "here" instead of "here" but its alot more concise adn it gets its point across. You say its "one of my top schools" is a no no. UIC is your top choice (lie if its not) and u will go 100% (again, life if you cant guarantee this) and willt ake any extended offer (again, lie if its not true). Also, do you have anything creative you can do?</p>