Need the community guidance we need help choosing between full ride at Vanderbilt for Engineering vs zero money for MIT engineering

FOMO is real. A crazy # of unicorn start-ups (that had no business value at all) were funded into existence simply because a bunch of moneyed people didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity.


Juicero! :rofl:

No, you have no idea if she did or didn’t. And we’ll never know since one can’t prove a negative. What you do know is that she turned out well, and that’s great for both of you.

I never suggested anything approximating this. Everything I’ve said has been about averages and probabilities and I stand by all of those averages and probabilities since they are not based on opinion, exception, or wishful thinking.

This thread started off as a reasonable “is MIT worth the extra cost” and it has since been hijacked into “well-documented college distinctions are illusory.”


:rofl: :rofl: That was the example I was going to give but there are plenty of others as well.


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