<p>First off, thank you to whoever takes the time to read this. It will be a wall of text - a lot of text - just FYI, heh.</p>
<pre><code> Well I'm a long-time lurker, first-time poster! But I do wanna say how cool a community this is. There's so much good stuff, but also this seems to be a pretty supportive community. I'm to the point in my life right now, where I need to decide where to continue my education - as I've been putting it off, but I need to get on it immediately So, how bout that wall-o-text I mentioned?
To give a little history, I've known I've wanted to go into acting since I started legitimately trying to find what my passions were, over a decade ago. And it wasn't long before I realized I wanted to be an actor - I wanted to entertain people, I wanted to immerse myself in other worlds and portray characters, and tell all types of different stories along the way. The same reasons most want to get into acting, and as I grew older I only became more sure of this. I'm sure the idea has been said before, but where I remember it from is when I heard it from an interview with Jenna Fischer (from "The Office"), when she mentioned how you shouldn't go into acting if you can imagine yourself being just as happy doing anything else. If you can imagine yourself being just as happy being a secretary, then do that - or whatever job it may be. And that reaffirmed it for me - as I could imagine myself doing other jobs, and being pretty good at them as well - but I would never be as happy as I would be acting.
So, while that all seems well and good, I'm sure whoever is still reading this is asking, what's the problem then? Well, I have battled with serious depression, anxiety, etc... through my teen years on up. So most of my life up until recently was spent worrying about making it to the next day, let alone pursuing any dreams I had. (As anyone who has dealt with this kind of stuff can relate too.) What this means for me now, is I really haven't had anywhere near the amount of experience I would like to have had at this point. I took an Acting class years ago, that the local community college offered and did well, but that is about it. There have been plays over the years performed by a local theater, and local community college, but talking to people in public was terrifying enough - let alone even auditioning for any play.
I say all of this stuff to let you all know where I've been, before mentioning where I am/would like to go. Over the past several years, I've taken the necessary steps to get depression etc... under control to where I can live life, and put myself out there. Long story short, I've been at that local Community College the past couple of years, and next year I hope to go to a university. I'm an older student, as well - I'm actually 27 years old. And, of course, I want to pursue acting. Now I know there are some who may say don't go to school, just go to whatever city - get an acting coach - and go from there. Personally, I really feel getting a solid foundation of the basics from a good school would really help me.
So I've been looking into various Universities for while now, but as it comes down to decision time, I still feel clueless as to where to go. I currently live in the Middle of Nowhere, IL - and it is by no means an artistic capital of the world - but what it also means is that any IL schools would be my "in-state" schools. So that is something to keep in mind. It also means that I can't really visit hardly schools - mainly due to time/budget constraints, especially for those out of state. And while I would like to avoid a mountain of debt after being at a university, I'm not going to limit myself to something in-state if something better is out there. (This is helped by the fact that I'll probably only need 2-3 years at the University, instead of the usual 4-5. Having got most general classes out of the way, so long as they transfer, I'll likely be ready to go straight into the acting.)
The only two places I've applied are DePaul Acting BFA, and USC Theater BFA (non-audtion). I know the usuala that also get mentioned sometimes (Julliard, Carnegie Melon, etc...), but I highly doubt I'd be able to get into those places (not to mention that whole mountain of debt thing, lol). I've been e-mail a ton of universities, and even places like CalArts tend to give a positive response; this is something said from another place, "If you have the heart, the drive and the ability to be taught, we will do our best for you to help you do your best."
So many have said the same thing, but they also have auditions - which means that at some level you have to be able to show some talent. I also don't want to waste my time if I kind of know something just won't happen, lol (hence my staying away from Julliard! ;) ). So I guess I'm just looking for advice, and advice on other good schools, or possible lesser known gems. And I would like to point out - I'm looking for Acting programs (BA, instead of BFA would be fine if need be), and not "Theater Studies" or something similar. Here are some others I've looked into, and some thoughts on each:
<p>CalArts (Dream school, but I'm not sure of my chances, at all.)</p>
<p>U of I (Though, less and less enamored. Partly because I'd be a transfer student, and they it's kind of weird the way the program works with that. Partly because I hate this area, and want to leave.)</p>
<p>Emerson (They've been helpful in few questions I've had. Heard some good things, would like to know more opinions about them. Again, I assume pretty hard to get into?)</p>
<p>Columbia College of Chicago (Another one that I've gotten good help from, but don't know a ton about the college itself - or rather, others experience with it?)</p>
<p>SUNY Purchase (Wondering if this is closer to CalArts/Julliard, in that 2% get in, if that. Maybe too much for lack of experience? They say not an issue, but...)</p>
<p>NIU (One I've heard mentioned on here, but not entirely in love with what I've read about the college itself. Any thoughts?)</p>
<p>ISU (Zero knowledge, but have heard it mentioned. Anyone else have more knowledge about it?)</p>
<p>SCAD (Maybe the most split down the middle. Some people hate it - bad neighborhood, professors not always great. Some love it, and it was on Hollywood Reporters Top 25 list.)</p>
<p>There are a few others I've seen recommended here, or elsewhere that I really have no knowledge of, but wanted to bring attention too.:</p>
<p>Chapman Univ.
Univ. Of Minnesota
Univ. Of Michigan (This, and Minnesota have sounded like they'd be very hard to get into as well.)
Webster University
University of Chicago
Washington University (How is the acting program at the campus in WA, different from one in STL?)
University of Evansville
UNC - School of the Arts (Another one of those, "Keep Dreaming" types?</p>
<p>And these are just a few, and again I'd be open to hearing any thoughts on them, or any information about other hidden gems. (And BTW, while I may not be able to visit the schools - Auditions for many happen in Chicago, so that wouldn't be an issue.)</p>
<p>I look forward to hearing from everyone, and will be very grateful for any help!</p>
<p>TL;DR: Acting is my passion. Had depression - was more concerned with staying alive, and didn't pursue dreams. Got better, and started making life for myself. Now ready to go to university, and really pursue acting. Not sure where to go.</p>