<p>I have a question on changing major after transfer.</p>
<p>Can I change my major after I get accepted by the school? I'm not talking about jumping from a philosophy major to bioengineering. In my case,it's more like a major change within the same department/college.</p>
<p>I want to apply for architecture major at UCB, but can I get in as a urban design major first, then change it to architecture major? Is it possible?</p>
<p>I'm not trying to play the system or cheat. Because, I basically have to finish the same courses and score before I transfer. The only reason is that there is this one class in the prerequisites for Architecture I might not be able to finish prior to transfer. Because no community college around me offer that class. I simply can not take that class. But if I go for urban design, that one class is not required for transfer. They say that I can take it at UCB after I transfer. So, I will take it anyways, just at a different time. </p>
<p>I'm really frustrated about my situation. I do not want to give up UCB or architecture major.
So is there any chance that I can switch my major after transfer?</p>
<p>Thanks for any suggestions.</p>
<p>You can try emailing the university directly to find the answer to your question. Architecture is hard to get in in the first place, so it would be hard to change from a different major to Architecture, because it would be impacted already.</p>
<p>First of all if a course that is required but it is not offered at your CC then you are not responsible for it at the CC level. If I understand correctly you are saying that there is a course that you are required to take but it is not offered at your CC. If this is the case then just apply to that major. In the end you will have to take it when you transfer. This happens to alot of transfer students. Therefore, right off the bat just list the major you intend on doing.</p>
<p>Secondly, it depends on the department if you can switch in or out of a specific major. Some departments require that you are admitted to a major in order to be in it (applies to transfers only). Also, they can have unit limits where you can only apply to the major if you are under x amount of units. Another situation is where they require you to apply before a certain date. </p>
<p>Heres more information: [Department</a> of Architecture - UC Berkeley - Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“Account Suspended”>Account Suspended)</p>