I have been spending days thinking which university will be better for me after graduation.
I was planning to attend UCLA, until they rejected me.(FAIL)
Anyways, I got accpeted into UC Berkeley and UCSD. I got into Berkeley as spring admit while I got into UCSD as fall admit. I am got into both universities with sociology major and planning for law school after graduation. I heard that law school admissions looks for high GPA applicants.<br>
With that in mind, from graduated and friends who are in Berkeley are telling me that it is hard for them to get high GPA, while UCSD is still competitive yet have higher chance of getting higher GPA. Which school will be better choice for me? </p>
<p>Please give your input.</p>
<p>Do you care about the social aspect/enviroment of the school or just which is going to get you into law school?</p>
<p>Not really. I live near LA area, so I don’t mind trying SD or Berkeley enviroment.<br>
I can’t say which will get me into law school… but it seems that it will be tougher for me to get into law school if I went to Berkeley and if admission focus on GPA. However, Berkeley is more prestige compare to SD… I think.</p>
<p>If you don’t feel you can compete at Cal i would say SD and it’s closer to home as well if you want to go home on the weekends.</p>
<p>GPA is one component and LSAT is the other so i would say go to SD get a 3.9+ and a 160 Lsat and your in good shape to get into a great law school</p>
<p>a 3.5 from Cal is not nearly as competitive as a 3.9 from SD</p>
<p>There’s really not THAT much difference in prestigious-ness between Berkeley and UCSD. They’re both great schools. If you don’t think you’ll do well at Cal, then you should really consider UCSD.</p>
<p>@ makin it rain: thanks, So, when admission at law school look at school, you don’t think it will make that much difference?</p>
<p>@peterr86: how hard is to get 4.0 in UCSD? is there reasonable chance of earning that grade?</p>
<p>Hey there! I am also a sociology major planning on going to law school. I really think it would be better to have a higher GPA from San Diego than a lower GPA from Berkeley even though Cal might be considered more prestigious. I am going to UCSD.</p>
<p>Hey! I’m in the same boat! I got accepted to Berkeley for the Spring 2011 and I also got accepted to UCSD for the Fall. I can’t decide which one I want to go to. I saw a councelor today at my CC and she told me that I would graduate a year later compared to UCSD because I would go there as a lower division undeclared major. I am looking to major in political science at the College of Letters and Science. UCSD is definitely closer to home and still a great school to attend but it’s Berkeley! I’m on the fence as well. I have to visit both campuses soon. </p>
<p>I think they would both be competitive. Imagine how it would look to get a high gpa at CAL or even UCSD.</p>
<p>I disagree. Maybe your heart is set on law school but we cannot know for sure our circumstances in the future; they might change or they might not. Now I am not saying if OP decides not to go to law school and his potential UCSD degree will not get him anywhere but he has the wrong mindset by choosing the “easy” way out in the first place. We strive for the best no matter where we go. Don’t base your decision on the “easiness” of the school.</p>
<p>OMG the original post sounds like it came out of my mouth. I wanted to go to UCLA (I used to live there but I live in OC now, I know where all the good apartments would me, had a job lined up, etc.) but got rejected. I got into Cal and SD. My college (Eleanor Roosevelt) looked kick behind, and I got really excited about the classes they had to offer. But since I had done my academic planning around UCLA and Berkeley, I didn’t do a lot of the major prep courses that SD requires. Basically, in order to just have a major (no minor, but the minor options really intrigued me), I have to complete 26 classes (4.3 classes per quarter for 2 years). I was hoping to minor if not double minor
Plus, I like the weather better, and it’s closer to my boyfriend who I’ve lived with for 3 years.
Cal, on the other hand, is freaking Berkeley. The social change that’s started there, the energy, the prestige, the history…I could kick myself later in life thinking I had the chance and didn’t take it. At the same time, though, I dont know anyone up there, I’ve only just barely seen the campus (no tour or anything). And it rains. A lot…ugh. I hate rain. However, I would only have to complete 15 classes for my major (3.75 classes per semester for 2 years) which would allow me time to take on a minor (but they dont have any minors that are calling my name
<p>I’m still appealing UCLA’s decision, and I’m hoping to get in there. I should hear back by the 20th so lets just keep our fingers crossed.</p>
<p>@ gaius 37: Really? wow. Nice, we should study together and help each other if I decide to go to UCSD. Sociology FTW</p>
<p>@rahrah203: LOL, welcome on the boat ride… haha. I am plannin to visit SD this wkend & Cal next wkend.</p>
<p>@ o0ralcle: you are right. Cal is more challenging compare to SD & if I change, I am sure Cal will standout compare to UCSD. This is reason why I am caught in the fence. </p>
<p>@ Smartyskirt01: haha. really? thats insane. LOL. Wow, I actually applied for appeal for UCLA as well. hahahaha this is so strange. LOL</p>
<p>Chris feel free to message me for my opinion on both school after the next couple of weeks. This is going to be the toughest decision ever. i don’t want to have to reject Berkeley or SD. ahhh I could use some opinions on the matter as well. haha </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>@ytc: That would be great, especially since I don’t know a lot of sociology majors! Let me know what you decide</p>