need your help, plz

<p>hey everyone
im clueless now, so ya, please help me..</p>

<p>female, asian, mid-class, came to US about three years ago, live in nyc now
sat, 1300 (old) 1950 (new 580-reading 800-math 570 writing, retake)
sat ii, math iic 780 (retake), and i will also take Chem
act, 28, might take it again
avg, unweighted 96, weighted 99-100 (not sure)</p>

<p>no honors in freshman year nd the first semester of sophomore year 'cept math
all honors in the second semester
junior year, 3 aps, (eng comp, computer sci a, us history), honors for the rest
next year, i will take 6 aps (eng lit, computer sci ab, calc bc, stat, gov, chem)
starter on math team, nd our team won the first place (in our division) both semesters this year</p>

<p>work exp. private tutor for three months
intern as web designer.. startin april....
volunteer. church organization, 200 hours at least.. nd this summer im workin for some breast cancer center..
sports, none
other talents. piano, harmonica</p>

<p>future major, engineering, mainly mechanical nd electrical</p>

<p>recs from my ap ush teacher nd my ap com sci teacher</p>

<p>nd i took the test on princeton review...
here are the restults [i chose the schools that im interested]
i donnoe if its accurate
nd, what are my chances?</p>

<p>Good Match
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, MI
Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis, MO
Boston University
Boston, MA
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA
SUNY at Binghamton
Binghamton, NY
SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY</p>

<p>Safety Schools
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY</p>

<p>Reach Schools
Brown University
Providence, RI
Harvard College
Cambridge, MA
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
Yale University
New Haven, CT
Cooper Union
New York, NY</p>

<p>k, that's pretty much it
thank u~~~</p>

<p>If you think University of Virginia is a reach, then University of Michigan would also be, although I think they are both matches/slight reaches.
Cornell is a reach, not a match
UIUC is a match, not a saftey (especially for engineering)</p>

<p>The rest look good, but I would really narrow down your list. Apply to colleges because you like them, not because they are presitgious.</p>

<p>thank u very much
and i just copied the college list from princeton review
have to make up my own later

<p>i disagree with atomic about umich. umich is easy as heck to get into, i know people with lower than 90 avg and 1260 SAT that gets in</p>

<p>Urbana? match? lol...atomic, you g2 do your research</p>

<p>University of Michigan is actually on the same level as UVA and the best state school in the country. It's not "easy as heck" to get into by any means. I seriously hope by asking if UIUC being a match you were inferring that it was a reach. It's engineering school is top notch, it is definitely not a safety and probably a slight reach. You're the one who has to do the research...</p>


What about UC Berkeley?</p>

<p>my friend, if she applies early, she will definitely get in</p>

<p>UVA accepts less than 35% of out of staters that apply, michigan accepts much more</p>

<p>you may know your numbers, atom, but you dunno the game</p>

<p>fight! fight! fight! fight!</p>

<p>u think cornell is a match, ru insane?????????????</p>

<p>once again, that's not wut i think
i just got the results from princeton
well, i guess it's not accurate then
nd by the way, im very sane</p>

<p>If you don't apply, your automatically rejected... never give up;)</p>

<p>stop saying "nd" as a substitute for "and"</p>

<p>It's one extra letter - beleive me, it won't waste your life typing.</p>

<p>ur reading score is more than 100 pts below the average verbal at cornell.</p>

<p>what's your class rank, kyui</p>

<p>that's why i said i've no clue
also the reason im takin it again</p>

<p>im in top 2%</p>

<p>cali boy, for engineering, verbal isn't as high as a priority if her strong side are math and science. and since she is still eligible for toefl, this is certainly not as much as a weak point as you think it is.</p>

<p>ru kidding, the average SAT for cornell engineers is like a 1480, good look. I have seen kids like you get in with low verbal (with high Toefel).</p>

<p>toefl- exactly my point</p>

<p>Don't people agree that UIUC is definitely not a safety?</p>

<p>As for a comment before, yes UC Berkeley is on the same level as UMich and UVA, but it's a UC which makes it a lot harder to get in out of state.</p>

<p>What website did you use for these results, kyui?</p>