Need your information.

<p>Hello everyone
Well, I've been admitted to UW Madison and I just decided to go there BUT I'm afraid that it'll be so hard espicially that I'm majoring in Geophysics ..
If you know anyone there with the same major please ask and help me ..
the second thing is that I'm an international student and I know no one there, do you think that'll be a trouble for me to know people and Arab's there?</p>

<p>Thank you :)</p>

<p>Relax. You must be well prepared or UW wouldn’t have admitted you. You will start with prerequisite courses freshman year and I’ll bet you are prepared for the math and sciences. Geophysics sounds no harder than many other math/science majors. You will get advice at your International SOAR program for the courses to take as well as a lot about life here. Check out the international students website page on the UW site for info and contacts. I checked it out once for curiosity’s sake a few years ago and you should be able to contact people in your ethnic group/region. There will be other Arab students, many of them grad students, who can help you with nonacademic issues. There will also be professors and others in Madison who will be happy to help.</p>

<p>Also- the other students in your dorm will be very interested in hearing about you and your country. Eons ago we had some women from Kuwait in my dorm- times have changed from the scheduling of a phone call home days/weeks in advance! You will be a UW student just llike every other freshman. New to college, dorms and the campus. You will have fun exploring life as a college student with your peers. You will make dorm friends, classmate friends and ethnic friends. Enjoy.</p>

<p>Thank you so much .
I’m excited to go now :)</p>

<p>UW is a very nice place for international students. Just come and enjoy.</p>