<p>needing help, to be an architect.. or transfer?? </p>
<p>okay so im in quite over my head and i desperately need advice!
ever since i was a child, i loved watching at buildings n said wanted to be an architect but then that dream faded away as i got busy with my life.</p>
<p>anywho, so i entered archicitecture basically because i love buildings.
Now that im in it, im not sooo happy. Actually most days im just cranky. some people tell me its just a phase, but if im unhappy does it mean its not for me?
i mean i dont get to go out, must stay up all night to draw??
but i figured, its only 5 years, ill suck it up.
However, i met older graduates who started to telll me bout working as an architect and they said its 90% working drawings and that its just as stressful as a career as it is as a major.
so basically if this is true, im not that intrested... is it?</p>
<p>and the bigger problem here is i do not know to what to transfer into?
i was thinking environmental then majoring in green house where im the brains behind it all (not the one that draws, i dun enjoy drawing forr a long time)
but im also intrested in using renewable energy, not in that "how to design and make them"
but to know energy is transfered from this to that and actually giving them to civil engineers or wutever to input.</p>
<p>So basically i wanna be like an advisor who tells people and companies they should forexample use this solar energy, shouldnt use this product because it produces toxic gases, etc... that house, the window should be placed there because thats where the most light comes in.</p>
<p>so basically, thats what i dream about doing is.. to be the brains behind a good green building and a healthy surrounding environment. does such a major exist?
and if i study environmental, i read its mostly sewage water and thats nt exactly where my intrest lies. im more of a pollution control and recycling person.</p>
<p>*p.S: can anyone explain to me what sustainbility is? i read a bit about it like to use recycled materials etc.. just wanna make sure.</p>
<p>one last question.. how do i noe if environmental reeally is for me?
i dun wanna make the same mistake twice..i thought architecture was for me</p>