<p>I know some people are able to convince colleges to give them more scholarship money... how can this be done? I do have large scholarships from other schools, but the instate school I want to go to barely gave me anything. I was thinking about sending an email, but would it be to the office of admissions or financial aid? </p>
<p>Thank you for any responses! :)</p>
<p>Are you talking about merit based scholarships or scholarship/grant money as part of a need based FA package?</p>
<p>My son is in a similar position, ApplicationPlee…receiving large merit awards from out-of-state schools and a smaller one from the in-state university he really likes. He applied Early Action to the in-state school, so he was accepted based on information from his Junior year. This Fall, his Senior year, he’s had many accomplishments and earned his highest GPA ever - a 4.2. I contacted the Admissions Office of the in-state school and submitted his updated resume, with his latest accomplishments, requesting his merit award be reviewed. He should probably be doing this, but I negotiate for a living, so I had to do it. The worst thing that can happen is they say “no”. Don’t ask, don’t get. I’ll let you know if we have any success.</p>
<p>Entomom: I meant merit, sorry.</p>
<p>Sportsmom: that’s true.
Good luck to your son!</p>
<p>You can always ask, but merit scholarships don’t usually work the same was as need based FA, so whether or not they will increase aid will depend on the school. Merit scholarships are generally separate from admissions, I would give a call to the FA office.</p>
<p>I worked at a state school, and our scholarships were run through admissions, as they are at several other state schools in my area. Check the website for freshman scholarships & see who handles them.</p>
<p>^Thanks kelsmom, good advice!</p>
<p>I have heard the same thing but have never seen proof anyone has actually negotiated successfully.</p>
<p>Without much information, it is difficult to answer this question.</p>
<p>First, the cost of an instate public school should generally be lower than an out of state private (or out of state public). So in the instate school, the COA may be less than the EFC, while it may be more in the out of state. So yes, the out of state may give more money but it is not comparing apples to apples. What is the net cost to you and that should be the determining factor and not how much the school gives. Let us say the instate school costs $20,000 and out of state $50,000 and even if the out of state gives $25,000 in aid, it still costs you more.</p>
<p>Second, most state schools are cash strapped and often have admission policies mandated by the state. For example, the top 4% of every high school school should get automatic admission. What does that mean for scholarships? One there is less money to give out. Second, grants and scholarships are not used as recruitment tool to the extent in privates. They will meet need (as determined by their formula) but generally will not try and compete for students. They already are mandated on how they can admit and hence are restricted in how they attract students. </p>
<p>Third, some merit scholarships are usually stated on the websites and you may have to apply for them separately. For example, in S1’s case, the school pointed out scholarships he could apply for, automatically sent some applications but would not sweeten the pot just to attract him. Their hands were tied. Policies have to be consistently applied.</p>
<p>Every state is different, and hence you need to look at the policies of your state school. I may be wrong, but in most states, I do not think you can go to the instate school and ask them to sweeten the pot just because someone else gives you more money. The school could try and help you and possibly get some external scholarships but you still have to apply and pursue it. just my 1 -c-.</p>
<p>I think this only works if your kid fits some category that they are specifically recruiting for such as National Merit Finalist or possibly URM. I did try it for my first D (very bright but not stellar stats) and got no where. I called and asked where to fax competing offers. I hope to have better luck with second D who is NMF and out of this world stats. I know my particular school will sweeten the pot “if they really want you”. That’s the key…they have to really want you for some specific reason.</p>
<p>1) Does your instate public give merit? If not, then not likely.</p>
<p>2) OOS merit is often larger to help cover OOS costs. Often a public will give much less to an instate student than an OOS for the same stats.</p>
<p>This is an update to an earlier post. After two weeks, we heard back from the university where we requested a review of our son’s merit award. They were very nice, said they tried to see what they could do, but they were unable to increase it. They have offered him another scholarship opportunity for $6,000 per year for which he can apply, so at least he has that option. I’m glad we asked - we did so very politely and it seemed well received.</p>