Nepal Class of 2023

applying to trincoll.

Can you guys tell me the typical financial aid package of Jacobs University?

its about 20k total, split between loans and family contribution

So if I keep on paying 10k a year, then I would have 40k as loan at the time of graduation, right?? Is there any way that the scholarships will be increased?

@harrowgun Correct
Jacobs seems to award the same package to all the students it seems ± 2k. so thats that

Guys, I just wanted to know how people from OF get into ivies like every year. Has to be USEF’s influence doesn’t it? No one can be that good at choosing ivy candidates.

@Harkehaldar usef can’t influence colleges
 its just that OF students are actually good.

@Harkehaldar The one who gets accepted at OF program is the one which they believe would make a competitive applicant. They are real good (I was thrown on the interview round, but my friends got in, and trust me on it- they are real good). So they were already deserving candidate to begin with and then add all the counseling they get from OF and its earlier batches of OF students.
But I would disagree to some extent to @nikolateslaxxx The counselors of OF can actually make an influence. I have heard rare instances where they made “calls” agitating for some students acceptance. And also there’s this recommendation letter also for the few selected.

OF surely gives them a strong push but surely does not give acceptance. They still have to work hard like any other does. And besides 3 ivy acceptance, 1 mit, 1 Stanford the other 13 acceptances were mid tier or even lower. This shows that getting into OF is not all.

Do you guys know anyone who has wrote research papers. I heard that some of the students in OF have those. How do they even write them? I did not even know about research until now.

Might be true, but I have not heard about anyone other than OF applicants getting into Ivys’ or MIT/Stanford i recent years. Does this mean only those 16 candidates deserve ivys’?

There were three students who got into Harvard last year and one of them was not from OF. And I would like to correct you further. This years OF students is only 13*, of which there has already been 2 early acceptance at ROC and Hollins. For the remaining 11, let us see.
And yeah, if we have done our homework right, we too totally deserve ivies and any elite universities out there. So lets hope for the best.

Hey guys! Has anyone gone to Pepperdine University here from Nepal?

DePaul University - RBS(1)

Babson College-RBS(1)
Middlebury College-BNKS/UWC(1)
Jacobs University Bremen- RBS(1), SXC(1), CCRC(1),GIHE(1)
Macalester College- RBS(1)
Harvard university- GBS/Pestalozzi (1)
UPenn- GBS/Pestalozzi (1)
Vanderbilt University- RBS(1)
Drexel University-BNKS(1)
London School of Economics - BNKS/ Pestalozzi (1)
Oberlin College- BNKS (1)
Washington & Lee- BNKS (1)
Arcadia University: BNKS(1)
Ithaca College- BNKS(1)
NYU AD - SXC(1), Ullens(1)
Brandeis - RBS(1)
Knox College- SXC(1)
New York Institute of Technology - SXC(1!)
Johnson and Wales University - SXC(1!)
University of Rochester - GIHE(1), SXC(2)
Gettysburg College - RBS(1)
Tufts University - RBS(1)
Northwestern Qatar - RBS(1)
Whitworth University - GIHE (1), GIHE (1)
College of Wooster - GIHE(1)
University of Akron - GIHE(1
University of Michigan Ann Arbor - RBS(1$)
Case Western Reserve University - RBS(1$)
DePaul University - RBS(1")
Florida Tech - RBS(1")

Babson College-RBS(1)
Middlebury College-BNKS/UWC(1)
Jacobs University Bremen- RBS(1), SXC(1), CCRC(1),GIHE(1)
Macalester College- RBS(1)
Harvard university- GBS/Pestalozzi (1)
UPenn- GBS/Pestalozzi (1)
Vanderbilt University- RBS(1)
Drexel University-BNKS(1)
London School of Economics - BNKS/ Pestalozzi (1)
Oberlin College- BNKS (1)
Washington & Lee- BNKS (1)
Arcadia University: BNKS(1)
Ithaca College- BNKS(1)
NYU AD - SXC(1), Ullens(1)
Brandeis - RBS(1)
Knox College- SXC(1)
New York Institute of Technology - SXC(1!)
Johnson and Wales University - SXC(1!)
University of Rochester - GIHE(1), SXC(2)
Gettysburg College - RBS(1)
Tufts University - RBS(1)
Northwestern Qatar - RBS(1)
Whitworth University - GIHE (1), GIHE (1)
College of Wooster - GIHE(1)
University of Akron - GIHE(1
University of Michigan Ann Arbor - RBS(1$)
Case Western Reserve University - RBS(1$)
DePaul University - RBS(1")
Florida Tech - RBS(1")
Clark University - RBS(1")

oh crap! Vanderbilt University has already accepted an RBS student. I have applied for ed 2 and I think I am gonna be doomed.
Check my chances there with 1400 SAT scores(600+800) and sat subject test (Phy-800, Math 2-800, Chem-790) and international competitions like that

By looking only the stats u mentioned, I think the chances are low since your ebrw is too low for vandy. However, U may get in if your ecas, essay , recomms are outstanding. Let the chips fall where they may!

Well, I won a national competition and also participated in an international competition( 114 countries participated there) where I represented Nepal. It took place at a European country ( i can’t tell to maintain confidentiality) last year per se. BTW I am also polyglot, proficient in 4 languages (Nep, Eng, Hindi, and Mandarin)

Also, I published an article on computing in an annual magazine, president of high school club and blah blah blah.
And yeah I wrote an essay of how a single student like me survive in this big world whose both parents work abroad. The English professor whom I met at the same competition, cried reading my essays (LMAO. It felt a bit exaggerated though). Nevertheless, it felt good while writing an essay. Probably I would rate 7.5/10.

Anyone applying EDII to Hamilton?