Nepal Class of 2023

I think my problem was that I only looked upon on the stories of the students who succeeded and overlooked the stories of hundred of others who failed. I am in the same situation right now, but I don’t think going to the safety school is not an option for me.I don’t want to spend my 4years working illegally and risking my whole future. I have considered joining a University here and also applying next year. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t say this gap year was useless. I learned a lot of things from the whole application process itself. The only problem is that I will have to join classes as “Junior” of my own friends.

A huge congratulation to those who made it and those who couldn’t, I hope you guys will have better luck next year. Don’t be disappointed and move on. There is so much to look upon life. :smile: :smile:

hear hear!


Virginia Tech- SXC(1) RD
Knox College- SXC(2) RD


Babson College-RBS(1)
Middlebury College-BNKS/UWC(1)
Jacobs University Bremen- RBS(1), SXC(1), CCRC(1),GIHE(1), BNKS (1), Malpi (1)
Macalester College- RBS(1)
Harvard university- GBS/Pestalozzi (1)
UPenn- GBS/Pestalozzi (1)
Vanderbilt University- RBS(1)
Drexel University-BNKS(1)
London School of Economics - BNKS/ Pestalozzi (1)
Oberlin College- BNKS (1)
Washington & Lee- BNKS (1)
Arcadia University: BNKS(1)
Ithaca College- BNKS(1), GIHE (2)
NYU AD - SXC(1), Ullens(1)
Brandeis - RBS(1)
Knox College- SXC(1)
New York Institute of Technology - SXC(1!)
Johnson and Wales University - SXC(1!)
University of Rochester - GIHE(1), SXC(2)
Gettysburg College - RBS(1)
Tufts University - RBS(1)
Northwestern Qatar - RBS(1)
DePauw University - GIHE(1)
Stetson University - GIHE(2)
Whitworth University - GIHE (2), GIHE (1
), BMC(2)
College of Wooster - GIHE(1)
University of Akron - GIHE(1*)
Augustana College - GIHE(1)
University of Michigan Ann Arbor - RBS(1$)
Case Western Reserve University - RBS(1$)
DePaul University - RBS(1")
Florida Tech - RBS(1") BMC(1)
Clark University - RBS(1")
Westminster College - GIHE(1)
WPI - RBS(1")
Penn State - RBS(1")
Bennington College - SXC(1)


Whitman College - BNKS(1)
Kenyon College- RBS(1)
Haverford College -RBS(1)
Bucknell University -RBS(1)
NYUAD-RBS(1), SXC(1), CCRC(1), DUP(Saudi Arabia)(1)
Trinity University- XIC(1)
Lehigh university- Times college(1)
DePauw Univerity- XIC(1)

Beloit College- SXC(1) BNKS(1)
Furman University- RBS(1&)
London School of Economics - RBS(1)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - GGIC (1)
Grinnell College- RBS(1)
University of Washington- RBS(1$)
Dickinson College - RBS(1)
Franklin and Marshall - RBS(1)
Williams - UWC/RBS(1)

Btw, shouldn’t most RDs be out by now?

I am joining KU. Luckily i fell so relieved now. was stressed imagining how I will pay my tuition working, and pressuring my family to deposit heavy money that americans consider nothing. Felt like littlefinger. Thought about every worst possibility and chaos that could happen and I am ready to take the fall. The worst life that only exist on the instagram is not a joy. so, many friends who are like me, felling unlucky that they didn’t get to experience the fancy lifestyle of americans, must be happy considering the fact that they don’t have to calculate over their meals, compromise over their sleeps, follow the Government, who don’t value us and face those stupid VOs, faking like they don’t want any of us. If you are lucky enough, you can get enough beers to enjoy every weekend, otherwise you are just another Asian, having no public security, privilege, sweating every day until your grand children gets a little recognition. However, if someone becomes great or VIP, he is no more Nepali Citizen. Heads up bros. We have everything to lose here.

Most of the decisions are released by April. This is going to be a painful week lol
Again, @aalubhenta how much are those folks paying in Knox and Virginia tech ?
I was advised by Knox to update my ISFAA, showing I can pay at least 24k …they think we rich lol

Please mention the net COA. Only posting acceptances can be misleading sometimes.

@rshrestha hi, if you don’t mind me asking, can you tell how much you’ll be paying if you take emory’s offer? I might also apply there next year if I don’t get into any this year (which I probably won’t). Thanks!

Bennington college- SXC(1)
Williams- saipal/OF(1) [do confirm please]
Reed- SXC(1),Nist(1)


Babson College-RBS(1)
Middlebury College-BNKS/UWC(1)
Jacobs University Bremen- RBS(1), SXC(1), CCRC(1),GIHE(1), BNKS (1), Malpi (1)
Macalester College- RBS(1)
Harvard university- GBS/Pestalozzi (1)
UPenn- GBS/Pestalozzi (1)
Vanderbilt University- RBS(1)
Drexel University-BNKS(1)
London School of Economics - BNKS/ Pestalozzi (1)
Oberlin College- BNKS (1)
Washington & Lee- BNKS (1)
Arcadia University: BNKS(1)
Ithaca College- BNKS(1), GIHE (2)
NYU AD - SXC(1), Ullens(1)
Brandeis - RBS(1)
Knox College- SXC(1)
New York Institute of Technology - SXC(1!)
Johnson and Wales University - SXC(1!)
University of Rochester - GIHE(1), SXC(2)
Gettysburg College - RBS(1)
Tufts University - RBS(1)
Northwestern Qatar - RBS(1)
DePauw University - GIHE(1)
Stetson University - GIHE(2)
Whitworth University - GIHE (2), GIHE (1
), BMC(2)
College of Wooster - GIHE(1)
University of Akron - GIHE(1*)
Augustana College - GIHE(1)
University of Michigan Ann Arbor - RBS(1$)
Case Western Reserve University - RBS(1$)
DePaul University - RBS(1")
Florida Tech - RBS(1") BMC(1)
Clark University - RBS(1")
Westminster College - GIHE(1)
WPI - RBS(1")
Penn State - RBS(1")
Bennington College - SXC(2)
Reed- SXC(1), Nist(1)


Whitman College - BNKS(1)
Kenyon College- RBS(1)
Haverford College -RBS(1)
Bucknell University -RBS(1)
NYUAD-RBS(1), SXC(1), CCRC(1), DUP(Saudi Arabia)(1)
Trinity University- XIC(1)
Lehigh university- Times college(1)
DePauw Univerity- XIC(1)

Beloit College- SXC(1) BNKS(1)
Furman University- RBS(1)
London School of Economics - RBS(1)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - GGIC (1)
Grinnell College- RBS(1)
University of Washington- RBS(1$)
Dickinson College - RBS(1)
Franklin and Marshall - RBS(1)
Williams - UWC/RBS(1)
Virginia Tech- SXC(1)
Knox College- SXC(2)
Williams- saipal/OF(1)

I’m paying 12650 at Bennington and my mate who has also been accepted from SXC is expected 6k. The total CoA being 72k.

@givemeabreak99 a friend of mine got into both of them. we had applied together but I got rejected by both lol. He’s told me he has to pay about 21K. Virginia Tech gives no scholarships as far as I know. Btw, I hear many got into Knox this year. Do you know anything about it?

@Momonepal my dudes yall are joining the legacy of Peter Dinklage. Congrats! Also, that is a sweet ass deal you got there.

Alrighty I don’t watch GoT so I am in dark of what you just mentioned. Thank You anyway.

And everyone please start posting(obv if that’s okay with you) the net CoA and let EVeryone see the light.

Has anyone heard of anyone getting into Hamilton? Pls reply

@aalubhenta This sucks ! lol. In my rejection letter they clearly mentioned that international students are eligible for the scholarship that covers only ONE HALF of the TUITION FEE-- not even the COA. So, I have no idea if anyone who got into Knox are really willing to pour 24k plus other additional costs. I wouldn’t do it even if I was super rich lol.
Yah Virginia and Georgia Tech do not offer considerable need-based aid. My friend got almost 50% scholarship last year from Georgia.

So if this thread is only about acceptance I got in Clarkson University, Missouri university of science and Technology, University of Rhode Island but didn’t receive a scholarship greater than 30k.

If I choose to add those colleges in the aforementioned list, it would merely be a misleading information.

Congrats @momonepal …that’s great.

Guys, I am in dilemma. I want to know your opinions if paying 12k a year is a reasonable amount to pay for US Colleges. The college is pretty good and my family can afford about 4k a year. And I have to keep in mind that this price is going to rise across 16k by my senior year. Should I take this offer or not?

Anyone here expecting to hear from Uroc and Lehigh ?

There are only 67 coed 4years college in the whole of the US which claims to meet 100% of the need of an international student if the student gets admitted.

Now here is something real vague that you HAVE to understand.

  1. How they define need
    Colleges such as CWRU will have you pay 10-15k no matter what. So with an efc of let it be 5k or 10k you are still expected to pay the amount which you in no way can afford. So how it defines ‘need’ and the bold claim of meeting 100% really is a mystery. And its the same for WashU, u of Notre Dame.
  1. "meet 100% of the need if admitted." They have made it clear "IF ADMITTED" and they obv don't have to elaborate saying that if you have high needs we are not gonna accept you anyway. Example would be Emory. Of the total intl students accepted only 4% were the ones who had applied for aid.
  2. are outright lying about the 100% need meet Wake Forest, U of Richmond
  1. the colleges that actually meet 100% and are either need aware or need-blind. Getting in is everyone's fantasy but don't ever stop dreaming, with hard work its possible(obv not for me lol).

i think wake forest clearly mentions aid is not available to international students. boston college is the same.

@zwonxx I though you were joining KU.
Firstly, it solely depends on your parents’ ability to finance your education. There are many students who would happily take that offer but be advised that any investment in education, reasonable or otherwise , is worth it if you are content with the quality of education you are being offered .
But if you think you have worked hard enough and you deserve somewhere where you and your family feel financially secured and comfortable, I suggest you to take a gap year . It isn’t that bad. Plus it gives you time to work on your SATs and ECAs. Study smart in your senior year, get good grades , you have seen the list; there are students who have gotten into elite schools some of them are need blind, some met 100% demonstrated need. If US is your first priority I suggest you to keep your eye on those colleges.

Again, this is the matter to discuss with your parents. On-campus works can only give you around 3k per year. Also, it might help if you approach Nepali student for advise via LinkedIn. Ask them about how they are financing their education. I hope you gdt my point.