Nepal Class of 2023

@legend125 yeah the thread is unusually inactive this year. What subjects did you take in a levels?

@legend125 i got a 1470

I only got 1340… And I used to score around near to 1500 mark during those 8 official practise test I wanna shoot myself

@nikolateslaxxx PCB
@Momonepal Same here! I hope second time’s the charm. You guys yet to apply or have you submitted your ED1?

Hey guys
I am a current senior who applied ED at Vanderbilt
My stats:
1540 New SAT score
almost a full IB predicted score

ECAs are quite good as well:

Varsity Soccer for 5 years
Tutoring/Volunteer Service: (sophomore, junior, and most definitely senior year)
Job (Junior Year, around forty hours a week during the summer and expect to work during the upcoming school year)
2017 Northrup Grumman Award for Environmental Research
Solar Energy Project (I am the founder and president of the Solar Energy Project, a student organization that raised some tens of thousands Rs to purchase solar panels for the school’s courtyard lights.
Won a small handful of awards and placed 2nd in the Plant, Animal, Environmental, and Behavioral Category at the district fair.

What are my chances ?

That’s a solid application. You have a great chance

Thanks. Where are you applying? @nikolateslaxxx

I was thinking Vanderbilt too, but not ED

Anyone applying to the top LACs (Amherst, Williams, Bowdoin)?

@CautiousCarrot what were your stats like? What kind of an experience is Amherst?

@redthunder0 i’m applying

@nikolateslaxxx I applied to Amherst, have you applied to any?

@redthunder maybe bowdoin. what are your stats like?

I submitted my ED1 application to NYUAD. Anyone who did the same?

@nikolateslaxxx 5As in A-levels, 1480 SATs, some impressive ECAs and decent recos

Nice, @redthunder0 what were your subjects?

have you taken any subject tests?

Any of you taking SAT subject tests in December?

I had a 3.9 cumulative unweighted GPA and a 34 ACT. Amherst was a great experience. Its a typical tight-knit liberal arts college where almost everyone gets to know each other. Profs were fantastic and quite friendly. They often used to go out with us for a cup of coffee or a drink on a Friday night during our senior year.

my stats are 1590 SAT, 5 A’s in A levels. i also think i have some pretty impressive ECs & recs! i applied EA to uchicago