Nepal Class of 2023

So how was your SAT today?

@Momonepal 3 students from Nepal are currently studying there. You can find them on LinkedIN.

@Momonepal SAT was good. What about yours? I’m skeptical about the curve however.

GOOD. but yeah the curve is gonna be harsh, Hoping for the best.
I heard that ivy material students are one thing but KGI admits great intellects and its a matter of pride we nepali are being represented in every elite ins. Really wishing you best. Do spread the good news in mid december. Best of luck.

Hey I want to know if someone is applying to vassar ED. If so, your stats too.

Hey guys, Is A-levels transcript just as important as SAT. I have seen a lot of people preparing for their SAT while ignoring their A-levels

@MrFarenhiet academics is very important. more so than the SAT.

@nikolateslaxxx Thanks man, I was kinda worried about my SAT scores you know, with the December SAT going into the bin. I guess my A-level scores will make up for it.

@MrFahrenheit If you are targeting T20 unis you’ll need good SATs as well .

Yeah that’s definitely there

@Herpzlord what exactly are T20 unis

@HERO123333333 Top 20 universities

hello-Do u think it helpful to send subject test score? score -maths lvl 2 and chem 730 and physics 750.

@mofhfhs I would recommend you to send these score to Liberal arts but not STEM uni


@mofhfhs where are you applying?

top 70 us uni
eg u rochester drexel

not elite or ivies

Anyone got into amherst? I heard the results were in.

Yeah me @MrFarenhiet