Nervous about not having a social life when I go back to school?

<p>Sorry in advance about the length.</p>

<p>Tomorrow I return to campus (6 hours from home) for my sophomore year. I'll be living in an apartment with a friend from last year, and although we get along well, I don't foresee us getting super close (we have fairly different schedules and interests). The best friend I made last year transferred across the country this year. I have another pretty good friend, and I get along well with a couple of her good friends, so I do hope to hang out with them a lot this year. However, she also lives a couple miles away from me. I only joined one club last year, late in the year, and I'm looking forward to going back and seeing those people again, and hopefully getting closer to them. I also have a few random friend-acquaintances in different places. I'm no crazy partier, but I do enjoy going out, exploring, and some drinking. The people on my floor last year were nice, but we had pretty different interests and they would spend their Friday/Saturday nights with movie marathons and game nights, which isn't really what I'm into.</p>

<p>So, long story short: I really like the campus and the city, and I'm excited for my classes. That being said, I'm nervous about my social connections (or lack thereof), especially because here at home I'm so used to being around my 3 best friends and hanging out all the time and being super comfortable together. At school, I'm worried about spending too much time alone or not finding people I truly click with, especially since I won't have the opportunity of meeting people in a dorm this year.</p>

<p>I mean, I know the textbook answers: join clubs, reach out to last year's acquaintances... that being said, I could still use some reassurance, words of advice, whatever you have to offer.</p>

<p>It is always hard to get back into the swing of things especially after being away for so long. Trust me you are not the only one feeling this way. Coming back to school the first week or so is usually uncomfortable and takes time to readjust. That being said, it does not mean you can’t or won’t make any new friends. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t find new people the first few days because many are just getting used to balancing classes and what not. I agree joining more clubs is always helpful and reconnecting with those who know from the past. You can also try making friends through class. Create a study group or chat with the person next to you before class starts. </p>

<p>Sometimes if I find a friendly person around the second day of class I ask for their number so I can have someone in each class to check in with if I am stuck on an assignment or miss a day of class. It also works to text them and ask if they want to meet up to do work. </p>

<p>You will be okay just remember to be friendly because chances are there are plenty of people in the same situation you are in and would love to make new friends. Good luck!</p>

<p>There will be many people in the same situation. Make yourself open to opportunities to meet people or do things you are interested in. If you don’t like studying alone in your apartment - go to the library where you have the chance to meet people.<br>
I found joining a greek organization in my sophomore year was the right choice for me. It gave me a group of women and a proscribed set of service and social obligations. I loved the committee work and had a group of friends and acquaintances that provided a sense of community. </p>