<p>AHH. im so nervous....i need to get 93+ on all my finals to get A's.....this is looking pretty much impossible right now.</p>
<p>I hate finals so muchhhhhh !!!!</p>
<p>AHH. im so nervous....i need to get 93+ on all my finals to get A's.....this is looking pretty much impossible right now.</p>
<p>I hate finals so muchhhhhh !!!!</p>
<p>Well, I hate finals, too. But I am done, and didn’t do so hot in English Lit… Whatever. </p>
<p>Just think about the awesome week after finals, so there’s something that you can look forward to. :)</p>
<p>yeah thats true. just forcing yourself to sit down and study takes a while esp if its for a class you find particularly boring.</p>
<p>^ Truer words could not have been spoken</p>
<p>On ALL of your finals? Yikes!</p>
<p>The highest I had to get was an 84 for AP World, which I don’t think I did
I friggen hate the way she writes her multiple choice. It’s in a language none of us can understand, and there’s always two answer choices.</p>
<p>Blahhhhhhhhh oh well. I’ll think positive.</p>
<p>I actually slept more this week of finals then I’ve slept like in a week of school all of high school. I think it helped me too.</p>
<p>God… I have to get an A on my English final to get something better than a C+ or B-. Its a 4 minute, completely memorized satirical speech. I should be doing that right now. That’s the only class I really really need to well in. The rest I can work with.</p>
<p>I’m kinda nervous too, but after last year (sophomore year aka hardest education year of my life) these finals seem OK. The only one I’m really worried about is APUSH. Apparently last year the kids failed so horrendously that the teacher had the curve the scores. Even after that, the scores were still dismal, so he had to curve a SECOND time! :(</p>
<p>well actually i need to get a minimal A in three of my classes, but two of those being ap bio and apush which have insane amounts of memorization. the other one is math…idk, i just hope all goes well.</p>
<p>I just got done with finals. I’m so glad it’s all over! Good luck to you!</p>
<p>I need a minimal A in two of my classes, Chem and Algebra. In algebra, I really never broke the 89/90 mark on a test or quiz, and we only had like 2 or 3, and for some reason you’re not allowed to get a 100 on hw, only a 95. So I need like a 93 >.<</p>
<p>@_@ I remember when I had to score 103 on a final to get an A instead of an A-…</p>
<p>Well I scored 95 and got an A-. Finals SUCK.</p>
<p>How can teachers get away with not awarding 100 points on a homework assignment that has been completed correctly?</p>
<p>That’s unfair and I would definitely complain.</p>
<p>Don’t complain until you get to college.</p>
<p>LMAO nervous about a test? </p>
<p>…is that even possible? I’ve never understood such a thing. Whatever, to each its own…good luck.</p>